Saturday, December 13, 2014


I can't believe it but today my baby boy is turning one. A year ago today, you entered our world and since then everything has changed but only for the better. Because of you, we have smiled bigger smiles, laughed louder laughs, hugged much tighter hugs and kissed more cheeks than we can count.  You are curious, smart, fearless, silly…. you are the missing piece that made our family complete.
You started out so tiny and helpless but over this past year, you have accomplished so much. You learned to hold up your head, roll over, sit up, and stand. And in the final weeks leading up to your very first birthday, you have mastered taking your first steps and walking on your own. These steps will take you further into the big world and lead you to bigger and better things in your second year. For the past 365 days, we have watched you grow from a tiny little baby that slept all the time into a feisty little boy that never stops moving.
Today, part of me is sad because I miss nursing you, a time for just the two of us, and holding you tight in my arms when you fell asleep. But for every “baby” thing you are leaving behind, there is a wonderful new “big boy” experience to come. Now you walk, almost run thru the entire house, chasing the cat and trying to catch up with your sister;  you clap your hands and dance when we have a jam session in the bedroom; you wave bye to everyone and you snuggle back into my lap when it is time for your evening milk from the big boy cup.
You are definitely all boy. As soon as you became mobile, you climbed onto the furniture and pulled down everything on the coffee table, you have a thing for cords and outlets, you love to open cupboard doors and you'd rather play in your sister's room than in your own. I can tell you are constantly growing as  you are always ready to eat and you keep outgrowing the clothes I just bought you. So far, you eat everything. There is nothing you won't try or don't like. You eat as much as your sister and you get upset when she doesn't share something with you. You are a strong little boy. I would guess you are around 23 pounds and at least 31 inches tall. A big boy for sure.
But you are also totally sweet, tender and loving. When you love, you love completely. When you hug, you hug with your whole body. That first hug of the day and the last one at night make my heart skip every time. And here's the thing about boys and tenderness: it's one of the best qualities they can have. At some point you might question that and think you've got to be tough all the time, but please don't. Boys who are both tough and tender rock.
Everyday, you and your sister challenge me, test my patience and make sure I keep up with your ever expanding knowledge and curiosity. I'm honest when I say it is not always easy being a stay-at-home mom but I'm so happy that I can share every little step you take and every little smile and booboo you have with you. You both make me a better person, stronger than I ever thought I could be. I will forever be grateful that you are mine.

Happy 1st Birthday, baby boy!

I love you for ever and ever.


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