Friday, March 17, 2017

BIG Changes

We bought a HOUSE! Yes, you read that correctly. We finally bought a house and will be moving once again (only 10 months after the last move) but luckily, the house is only 10 miles from our current location. Plus, once we moved in to the house, we will be staying put for the next few years 😀
We bought the house, our house, in the beginning of the month but have been very busy these past two weeks with renovating it. It needed paint from top to bottom as well as new flooring, lots and lots of cleaning and 10,000 other things that need our attention. The house was quite neglected (and dirty!) and so it will take some time to get it all finished but once the painting is done and the flooring is installed next week, we will be moving in. 
Me in my painting overalls
So we are spending lots of hours in the house working on several projects while the kids get extra screen time. They have been troopers so far and think it is an adventure. Sunday "picnic" at the house:
Trips to the home improvement store always include a ride on a lawn mower:
In order to make the most of my time between school drop-off and pick-up, Elliot has been napping quite a few times in the car lately:
And to make things even more crazy, I have been interviewing with a local company for a part-time position as European Business Development Specialist and was offered to start this NEW JOB in the beginning of April. The position seems like a great fit for me (especially since the company contacted me) and I'm excited about rejoining the workforce very soon. While Amelia is already signed up at her new elementary school to start there after Spring Break, I still need to find childcare for Elliot asap. 
Interview ready
As you can imagine, life has been a bit hectic and very tiresome lately but I believe that God had this planned all along and led us to this house on purpose (it wasn't my first choice but it is really growing on me and I'm so ready to make it our home) and to that company. Big changes are happening but we are ready and excited and look forward to this new season in our lives.

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