Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Party and Music Concert

On Thursday, my little girl was a busy bee as she first had her Easter egg hunt and party at school and then at night a music concert.

The parents were invited to join their children during the Easter egg hunt and luckily, I was able to attend as it was right around lunch time (a perk for only working part-time). Amelia was happy to see me when I pulled up and we looked together for 16 plastic eggs with the number 16 on it (each child had to bring in 17 eggs filled with candies). The students made these cute Easter bags in the morning to use as basket during the egg hunt.
One happy girl with a huge bubble gum in her mouth:
 My little girl and her mommy:
Ms. Griffin and her students. I was told that Amelia adjusted very well and fits right in. They love having her in the classroom and she loves being there too:
All the bunnies are lined up for the class party:
The room mom did a great job and made some "bunny" treats for the kids to eat:
The students grew some Easter grass over the past week and now had a little basket filled with an Easter treat, a fluffy bunny and some little chicks. It is very cute and the perfect decoration on our dining table:
I walked around the room while the kids ate their snacks and found some of Amelia's work:
Then it was time for me to head home to release the babysitter while Amelia finished off her school day. This little boy was already waiting for his mommy:
That same night, Amelia's former elementary school held their annual Kindergarten Music Concert and her teachers had invited her to participate. Amelia was so excited to go back and see her friends as well as perform with them on stage. They have practiced these songs for a few months so Amelia knew them too. All dressed and ready to go:
Let the show begin (Amelia stands in the first row on the very right):
I was so proud seeing her perform and she did a great job. 
Amelia loved every minute of it and became quite the little performer on stage:
I put together a couple of video clips of their songs:
After the concert, Amelia hugged her teacher, Ms. Wyatt and her friends goodbye. She misses them and they miss her too but I'm glad that she really likes her new school and classmates too, which made this transition very easy. 
What a full and exciting day for my little girl and I'm so proud of her. My mini-me and her proud mommy:
Hope everyone enjoys their Easter celebrations and has a great weekend. HAPPY EASTER!

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