Friday, July 6, 2018

VBS Week

Last week, Elliot and Amelia had Vacation Bible School (Religioese Kinderwoche/ RKW) and both children very much anticipated this week full of fun activities. Since it was at the church where Elliot's preschool is at, the preschoolers were already practicing the songs for weeks. This year's theme was "Shipwrecked, rescued by Jesus"; hence the maritime related decorations. By the way, these church members put in many, many hours to prepare for this free event and also volunteer during that entire week so our children are safe and ensured to have a great time. 
"Walking along the sea floor":
Amelia and Elliot looking at the fish tanks, which 5 lucky children could win at the end of the week.
Each night for two hours, the children learned about an important bible lesson, sang, played games, ate snacks, made a craft and had lots of fun with their peers. Elliot's teacher sent some snapshots to me from their fun:
Amelia's group making a craft:
While the children were at VBS, the hubby and I took advantage of those 2+ hours we had to ourselves and 1)worked together in the yard, 2)enjoyed a sushi dinner and a movie at home, 3)a weeknight dinner with my girlfriends, and 4)on a beautiful mild evening went out to the marina for dinner and some live music at the lake. By the way, you know that you are a parent if your date night ends with a trip to Walmart and you are all delighted that you can shop in peace. 
Every evening started off and ended with all the children singing in the church sanctuary. On Friday evening, the parents were allowed to watch them for the last few minutes. There was also a nightly competition between boys and girls and who would collect more pennies that day. The last night, the girls won; thus, the screams in the end of the video: 
Remember those fish tanks? Well, Amelia won one and now we are the proud owner of a goldfish. While Elliot was sad that he didn't win one, he quickly realized that the fish we already have at home is now his. 
Meet Bubbles:
On Sunday, we went to church to see the VBS participants perform their songs to the congregation. These kids did such a great job and were so cute to watch:
No worries, these songs live on as we own the CD and sing them every morning in the car...of course, the children do their hand movements too.

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