Thursday, December 13, 2018


Dear Elliot,

Today is finally the day you turn 5. You talked about this day for months and were counting down the days.
5 seems such a big number and you are more than ready to go to Kindergarten next summer. During these past 12 months, you have not only grown in height but also mentally and spiritually. Learning seems to come very easy and naturally to you: math, writing and you are becoming a great reader. Since August we have practiced and now, only 4 months later, you are already reading an entire page of the book by yourself. In preschool, you are always praised for following the rules and being a great helper and everyone loves having you around. 
While you still love to cuddle with me and almost daily you tell me that you will be my baby boy forever, you have also become quite the big boy lately. Your favorite past times are rough housing with Daddy or throwing the football. You have also excelled in your first ever team sport to participate in: Basketball. Any sport that involves a ball, is your favorite. Elliot, I'm pretty sure you will be a great athlete when you grow up.
My sweet little boy, you are the silliest person in our family but also the most loving and caring. Not a day goes by where you are praying for others and ask about their well being. You make people smile with your happy face and silly antics. If you do something that gets a laugh, you keep on going and going. It's simple things like that bring you so much joy. Making someone smile, riding your bike, or building a new Lego creation. You are very easy to please.

You also love to explore new things and there is always something new to be found, even while just playing in the back yard. You love collecting things and while to others some things look like trash, there are treasures for you. Your imagination is endless and I'm amazed what you can create out of tiny Lego pieces. Maybe a future engineer in the making?!? If not, maybe you will become a biologist or scientist because your knowledge and interest in prehistoric sea monsters, dinosaurs and sharks is extensive and amazing.
I'm writing this letter to you with tears in my eyes. You are my last baby and seeing you grow up so much over these past 5 years, makes me realize how quickly those days, weeks, months and years have passed.  
Stay kind, sweet boy and never loose your adventurous spirit. No matter how big you get, my arms are always open for hugs and cuddles and I will never stop loving your kisses. You'll always be my sweet little boy. I'm forever grateful to be your mom. 

Happy 5th birthday, sweet boy!


Mommy and Daddy

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