Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Week

Easter this year was late but it still sneaked up on us. This is also the first year, we didn't take any pictures with the Easter bunny. The sad part is my kids didn't even ask about it. And due to the rainy weather, most Easter egg hunts were cancelled too. So to ensure that in between our busy schedule we focused on the season a bit, we started our Holy Week off by coloring Easter Eggs.
Those sticker faces were a big hit and such a simple way to decorate the colored eggs.
On Palm Sunday, Amelia and I went to our local church to watch the Easter musical "One Voice". It was performed by volunteers from church and such a great show. It looked like a Broadway musical from the set design to the acting and singing. Such great talent!! I was glad we were able to see it as it followed the dramatic and scriptural story that leads to the heart of the Easter events, delivering a powerful message of  the necessity of not remaining a secret follower in today's dark world. Here are some pictures and a video:
When Jesus walked thru the audience carrying the cross, it was a very powerful but also emotional scene and I had to hold Amelia. However, I loved how they still portrayed the crucifixion on the screen without it being to brutal for the audience. 
On Wednesday, Amelia's class had their Easter egg hunt at school. The moms "hid" 400 eggs in the courtyard and then every student had to find 20 eggs with their number on it.
Due to some food poisoning and the rainy weather, the remaining days leading up to Easter Sunday 
we took it easy. Luckily, on Easter Sunday the weather was glorious and we were able to spend a lot of time outside. The children found their Easter baskets on the table and were delighted with the goodies:
Eggs for breakfast:
And then off to church:
 Church with friends is even better:
The Easter egg hunt that got cancelled happened after the church service and the children were delighted to hunt for some eggs after all:
For lunch, I prepared a ham dinner and then the rest of the day we spent in our backyard, enjoying the sunshine and perfect Spring weather.
Hoping everyone had an enjoyable Easter celebration!

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