Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quarantine Life - Part II

We are still in quarantine and it looks like, it will stay this way for a few more weeks to come. By now, we have adjusted to the homeschool-work balance fairly well and the teachers have been more interactive via Zoom classes too. 
The children were so excited when the school announced a Teacher Car Parade thru the neighborhoods. Posters were made, chalk messages were written and then the parade began: 
It was quite emotional seeing everyone and afterwards, Elliot held me tight as we both shed some tears. Everyone talks about the impacts on the businesses, parents and workers but we often forget to mention that our children were ripped out of their routines and pulled away from their friends and that this quarantine is as hard on them, if not even harder, as on all the adults. Just the other day, Elliot saw the neighbors' children play in their yard and suggested to go over and play with them. I told him no and he said: "But mom,  we are outside and Corona will not be there." And then he cried as he didn't quite comprehend why they can't be together, even just playing outdoors. 

But we keep them busy with different activities and by now, they have settled in quite well. The best thing is, they have each other and lots of teh same interests. Rock painting was a favorite: 
Amelia also showed an interest in learning about Word, Excel and video making. Here is a video she created: 
She also made us Tortellini Soup. It was delicious and was quickly made with ingredients we had on hand.
What homeschool looks like on some days: 
Not sure if the cat was any help:
Learning about the 50 States: 
Reading lessons:
 And more Lego creations: 
Meanwhile, the cat and guinea pigs have gotten used to our constant presence in the house. But who is the boss???

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