Sunday, December 13, 2020


 Dear Elliot, 

It’s your seventh birthday today – not that you needed reminding since you have counted the days, hours, and minutes these past few weeks till your big day! –  and I can't believe how fast these past 7 years have flown by. I look at you and I still see the tiny baby you were. But I also see the growing boy you are now. And I can glimpse the fine young man I know you will become.

Here are just a few of the many things I love about you:

  1. I love that I can see the best of both your father and I in you. Our shared love of sports. His brains, problem-solving ability and determination. My love for books and learning. You definitely get your arm and eye coordination from your daddy, but your heart?  Your heart and sensitivity come directly from me (you wanting to go to bed with me every night at 7pm to watch Hallmark Christmas movies – best part of my day!)
  2. I love your thoughtfulness and sensitivity. You have an amazing capacity for detail and thinking through the logical implications of things. But you also have this wonderful empathetic quality – yes, you’re polite and kind, but you’re also not afraid to show your feelings and always quick to provide a comforting arm around the shoulder or a few supportive words just when someone needs it, even if that someone is one of your parents.
  3. I love your intuitive grasp of modern technology. Adapting to virtual learning has definitely been a learning curve but you took it on like a champ and every week, you figure out some new program or assignment on the computer without needing our help. 
  4. I love all the little things that have given you your individuality over these past seven years. Your great ability to take on any sport and become really good at it. You train hard but you also put lots of effort and heart in to it. The fact that you are super smart (currently teaching yourself multiplication and division) but that you are not above anyone else and participate in your 1st grade class just like the rest of your classmates. Just don't ever forget that smart is cool!
  5. I love your creativity –Legos is your jam. While the room may look like a tornado blasted right thru, the structures you build by yourself are amazing and so detailed. You also apply this creativity to your writing and while it is not your favorite subject, you love telling stories and are getting more elaborate with each story. 
  6. I love that your sister is your best friend. You two were there for each other during this crazy year of 2020 and the only playmate you had to interact with for several month. I hated that you missed out on the ending of your Kindergarten year and that you and all the other kids were not able to attend summer camps, play together and had to switch to virtual schooling but thru all this, you had your sister by your side. You argue, you complaint and once in a while there are some mean words exchanged but in the grand scheme, you get along super well and love playing together and having each other. You are best friend for life!

I love all these things about you – and so much more (tantrums, anyone?). Yes, there are a few things about you that could be a little better. But let’s not dwell on those. Let’s celebrate the good stuff.

My goal has always been to be the best Mommy, the best teacher, you could have.  I realized quickly that being BEST is impossible and not what you need. You need me to try my hardest in loving you, caring for you and teaching you the ins and out. Forgive me, when I fail often but I'm learning just like you as we go along on this journey together. I learn more from you and your sister every day than I could possibly have imagined.  You allow me to see the world from a different height, through open, honest eyes.  You love purely, you give unconditionally and play hard with all of your heart. Never lose those traits!

And the outtakes:

I want the world for you, Elliot, and every passing year brings you a little bit closer to having it.

Happy Birthday, Dude!

We love you to the moon and back, 

Mom and Dad

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