Saturday, January 2, 2021

My Goals for 2021

Well, with 2020 behind us everyone is looking forward to 2021 being a much better year. I mean, can it really get worse than last year???

Before I focus on 2021, I want to review my goals from 2020. Obviously, it was a year no one expected and thus, most of my accomplishments did not align with the goals I had set. Honestly, I didn't even focus much on them expect for my book and running tallies (priorities😀)

  1. My word for 2020 was PRIORITIZE and my focus was supposed to be on: family, well-being/ running, work, reading more and focusing more on the blog. Well, with everyone stuck at home and trying to work and support the children's schooling, sometimes it was hard to prioritize. However, we did spend much more time together as a family and I did focus on my well-being. So I still call it a win. 
  2. We had planned to visit several new cities this year and explore more of this great country as well as travel to Germany.  The only new area we explored was Pickwick Landing State Park and Atlanta for a day. Better than nothing ☺
  3. I read 25 books and listened to 35 audiobooks; thereby, exceeding my goal of 40. You can see the list of all the books here.
  4. My goal was to run 400 miles but during the pandemic I upped that goal to 700 miles as running was what kept me sane during these past few months. I actually ended the year with 752 miles (1,210 km) and that includes my first ever (virtual) half marathon.
  5. I did not become a cook or baker during the pandemic and always eating in and feeding all of us sometimes even became annoying. However, I still added some new recipes to my repertoire. 
  6. Let's just say I maintained the blog but still have some catching up to do. 
  7. I was supposed to spend less time on social media but I probably doubled the time I was on there during the pandemic. I'm sure I was not the only one.

Now, on to my new goals for 2021. I did not have anything spectacular in mind when I set those as I'm sure the pandemic will lasts a while longer and it will take time to find our "new" normal afterwards. So, this year, my goals are fairly simple and straightforward. And very similar to last year's goals.   

  1. The word INTENTIONAL came to mind the other day and I think, it will be a great word for this year. While last year, I did prioritize more and we spent more time as a family together and I focused on my well being, I sometimes was not very intentional about it. So I want to ensure that the time spent together is truly quality time and my focus is geared to the one thing I'm doing at that moment. 
  2. Working on strengthening the relationship with my daughter. She is growing up too quickly and often our attitudes collide, so being more understanding and more in tune with her hopefully will build a stronger relationship before the teen year's hit. 
  3. Travel to Germany and also visit a couple of new cities here in the US. 
  4. Focus on bringing the blog up-to-date as this is my scrapbook and hopefully something for my children to read when they grow up. 
  5. Spend less time on social media. I already put my Instagram account on pause and only will update my running account once a day and check it only once in the morning and once at night. This should give me more time to read ☺
  6. Read/ Listen to 40 books.  I have books waiting on my bookshelf and will read more of those than borrowing ones from the library. When exercising, I usually listen to an audiobook so I usually can finish quite a few books that way. 
  7. Run 800 miles, including another half marathon and a 10-Miler this year. But to be proactive and prevent injuries, I will also need to focus more on stretching before running and at least one strength training a week. 

2021, we all expect greatness from you and I put my best effort in to reaching my goals this year.

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