Friday, November 14, 2014

A Rough Week

Thank God it is Friday! We have had a rough week. Both kids didn't feel great. They had a low grade fever in the beginning of the week and just felt crummy but never had any other signs of an illness or cold. On top of that, Elliot's top two lateral incisors came thru so poor guy was fighting two things at once. I always can tell when his teeth are coming thru because then he drools a lot. Luckily, his sister never had that teething side effect. 

Every day our cat is getting loved on.
Anyways, since Wednesday the fever is gone but they started coughing some and complaining about a sore throat. So of course, Amelia didn't go to preschool on Monday or Wednesday but since she felt back to her normal self (jumping around and a ball of pure energy) since yesterday afternoon, I sent her this morning to school. She was so happy to be back playing with her friends. Unfortunately, my body must be fighting of the same germ/ virus the kids had and I just feel tired and exhausted. Hopefully, rest, orange juice and some Nyquil do the trick and I'll be back to my normal self by tomorrow. So, we rested a lot....

We mostly stayed at home this week and played, read books, enjoyed the backyard and had pizza night. Elliot discovered his love for books and is really interested in looking at all those pictures.

Lately, Elliot is showing the #1 sign all the time and started pointing at everything. He is so cute doing it. And I finally caught it on camera.
Yes, Amelia is not very happy in the picture below. Since they didn't feel like themselves this week, there was a lot of whining and crying going on in this house. Another reason why Mommy is so exhausted.
Because Amelia read in her book about a pet shop, she wanted to visit one and see "Dory" and "Nemo". So on Wednesday morning we went to the pet shop and also visited a toy store. They loved being out of house and not being cooped up at home. 
They had that photo op at the toys tore, so I couldn't resist and take a picture of my little Olaf and his Queen Elsa. Not sure why they are looing so mean on the first one. Maybe they are tired of me taking their pictures???
This was our week. Not very glamorous and definitely straining but I hope we are over the worst and will have a relaxing weekend ahead of us. I will teach tomorrow at the German School (substitute only) but other than that, we have no plans and just take it as it comes.

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