Monday, November 24, 2014

Family Pictures and a Birthday Party

This weekend was kind of a short weekend for us since Derrick had to work on Saturday (Emergency Training at his bank) and the fact that he was out of town Thursday night. The kids and I always miss him when he is not around and when he gets home from a trip, the kids just want to hang out with him and play. Who can blame them?  But while Daddy went to work on Saturday, we were invited to celebrate Elliot's friend, Jeb's first birthday at the park. The weather was not the greatest (misty rain and windy) but the kids didn't mind at all and enjoyed all the great activities and food and were happy to be with each other. The party was a construction-theme and Jeb's mommy outdid herself with the cute decorations and party-themed food and kids' activities.
The rest of the day, we spent at home hanging out and playing. On Sunday morning, I had scheduled a family photo session so that we will have a nice, updated family picture for the Christmas cards. We also had Elliot 's first birthday pictures taken. Here is a little preview. I think they turned out really good. I just love the picture of my two kids sitting together.
On weekends (and any other day), Amelia and Elliot love playing with our neighbors' kids Maci and Reese. Even though those two girls are much older than my two babies, they still like hanging out with them. So while Daddy washed the cars and I did some yard work (I was trimming all the hedges and today, I can hardly lift up my arms.) the kids all played in the front yard. Amelia feels like a big girl when she plays with them and never really wants the play date to end.
It is Thanksgiving week and we are getting ready for the big feast.  Even though we won't be able to go up to South Carolina to visit my in-laws this year, we still will enjoy a big home-cooked meal and some football that day. We have a lot to be thankful for this year and are looking forward to a relaxing and stomach-filling Turkey-day.

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