Sunday, December 13, 2015


Dear Elliot, 

You are my sunshine. My little lover. My sensitive and caring little boy. Today, you turn TWO years old. Although it is hard to believe that we've had you in our life for two years now, I also cannot imagine our life without you. I have been thinking of what to write to you for a few days now, but each time I do, I've been interrupted by you: wanting to play, crying that you fell down, needing a snack, or just wanting a hug :)
I remember the day I met you like it was yesterday. I was so unbelievably exited to meet you, yet so afraid that my heart wouldn't know how to love another child, And the, I saw you and instantly, I knew it was possible. I had fallen in love {again}.

Right now, you are a beautiful mix of a big boy, who is daring and adventurous, and a little boy, who loves nothing more than hugs and kisses and cuddle time.  You explore your surroundings without any fear and no rock or slide is too high to climb upon. You are very independent and you want to try everything your big sister is doing. Learning new things is so much fun for you. Every day I hear new words coming out of your mouth (current favorite: "Sure") often with an inflection and more and more of your sentences are clear and precise. There is no way of stopping you and you are determined to keep up with your sister when it comes to talking and being the center of attention. 
On the other hand, you are my sensitive child, who loves to be loved on and I savor those moments as I know they won't last forever. Your "I luuv you" makes my mommy heart melt. Every morning around 5am (and often once or twice before that during the night), you stand in front of my bed, ready to be picked up so that you can sleep in my arms, your face pressed against mine. This reminds me of the days, when you were a tiny newborn and I nursed you at night, holding you tightly in my arms and kissing your forehead. Every morning I treasure this hour we spend together as I know it will come to an end sooner rather than later.  As you grow older though I pray that you always find your way to me when you feel lost or in need of a hug. 

It is nothing short of pure joy to watch you grow. I am so proud of the little person that you are, You love to roughhouse with your Daddy but right now you are still a mama's boy. You are my little buddy, my sidekick. I know that this will change as you get older but for now, I am loving how much you love and want to be with me. I count my blessings every day that you are mine. 
Elliot, you bring so much joy and delight to our life because of who you are. May you always stay true to yourself and be that happy, loving boy. 

Happy birthday, sweet little boy! We love you so very much...always have and always will. 

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