Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I Love You Day 2017

We don't need a Hallmark-Holiday to be reminded that we love each other. We love each other every single day but to proclaim this love and make it special, we celebrate once a year "I Love You" Day in our house. We love hard and life can be tough, exhausting and messy sometimes but o' so worth it with these three.
So this weekend was all about friendship and love. On Saturday afternoon, Amelia was invited to Besti Festi - Friendship Party at a local gymnastics place by her classmate and next door neighbor, Keeley. My little girl was so excited and wishing all week long that it was Saturday already. For two hours, the girls were balancing and bouncing all over the place, playing games, dancing, making Valentine crafts and taking pictures at a photo booth. What a fun afternoon these girls had!
I couldn't resist to take a picture with my BFF too:
On Sunday, we celebrated "I Love You Day" early as Derrick is on a business trip this week. We started the day off with some decorations, cards, candies and a delicious breakfast. I enjoy decorating the table for various celebrations as it makes the atmosphere so much more festive while it doesn't cost much or takes much time. And the kids love it too!
Every day during the month of February until Valentine's day I added a pink heart to the children's bedroom door, listing a reason why we love them. Amelia especially enjoyed this activity and reading all the nice comments about her.
Mommy and her two munchkins:
We don't usually do gifts for each other but my husband knows I love flowers and so he surprised me with these beauties (and something sour to chew on).
And he gave me the biggest card ever with such a sweet poem on the inside that made me cry. Of course, the kids helped him decorate the card:
I love this man so much and I feel so blessed to call him my husband. He knows that I'm not perfect but he makes me feel perfect and beautiful in every way... In my opinion, this is what "I Love You Day" is all about.
One way, I can spoil my husband is by feeding him well. So we concluded the day by eating a fancy but home cooked meal: surf-and-turf and some sparkling apple cider in wine glasses for the kids. Amelia enjoyed the lobster tail as well while Elliot is more a steak guy. For dessert, we ate chocolate covered fruit (strawberries and pineapple was delicious but none of us liked the bananas).
Yesterday, the kids made heart-shaped sugar cookies for Amelia's class party today but unfortunately this morning she woke up with a fever and a cough and couldn't go to school.
While we did stop by at school this afternoon to set up for the party (I'm the room mom and I had signed up to bring in some food and drinks), Amelia wasn't able to stay to celebrate with her friends. But after school was over, her teacher stopped by our house to drop off her Valentine goodies from her friends, which made one little girl very happy.
Even though today may not look like a perfect Hallmark-Holiday to you, it is for me. Staying at home and spending time with my favorite people is all I need.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

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