Thursday, August 10, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday, Amelia!

Dear Amelia,

Today, you are turning 6 years old!
And you are so excited and happy about it that you counted down the days until your birthday for the past few weeks. Over the past year, you have grown up so much. Not just because you mastered Kindergarten with ease and are now a 1st grader but it seems like you are ready to be called a big girl (even though for me you will always be my baby girl). I still find it hard to believe that 6 years ago on this day, I first held you in my arms after you were born and you were so teeny tiny.  You might still be petite but you took the world by storm and whoever comes in your way, you will set them straight. 
You love unicorns and because dreams do come true sometimes, I arranged for you to have a photo shoot with one (with the talented Tanya of Reflections by Tanya). -It may was a dream of mine too but I don't mind sharing it.- You loved it and you still talk about Ditzi-Do and how you rode her up the hill.
You are true gift from heaven even though some days I have a harder time appreciating it as life with you is not always easy. You test our limits and patience and surely know what you want. You are smart and outgoing and don't mind switching schools in the middle of the school year or being the youngest in class. I'm delighted to see that you love to read just as much as your parents do and that you are becoming your brother's most important teacher. He looks up to you and wants to do everything you do; although, some days you are bothered by that. But you two love each other and can be found daily playing together with the peg dolls, Little Ponies, an array of Superheroes, or Lego's and often some imaginary friends join in on the fun.
We are so proud of you and the person you are becoming. You are six years old today and I know it is a very important celebration for you but also for me because six years ago you made me a mommy. You truly make my life fuller and I love you to the moon and back. You are my mini-me, even though you look a lot like you daddy. 

Happy 6th birthday, big girl!


Mommy and Daddy

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