Saturday, January 13, 2018

Winter Weather

The weather here in middle Tennessee has been all over the place since Christmas. First, we endured two weeks of frigid (partly sub-zero) temperatures with only 2 days barely making it above freezing. And then the weather turned and we had a couple of wet days in the low 60's/ 18C. Within 24 hours our temperature dropped 40F/ 21C and it had snowed an inch. Because of where we are located at, depending if the cold front from up North or the warm front from the South is stronger, we get such a range of weather and it is really hard to predict too far in advance. Last year, our winter was very uneventful and quite warm but this season has been extremely cold and it started very early. Don't get me wrong, we love it though. The kids are excited about a snow day and since we know it won't last too long, we are enjoying every minute of it. 

When it is too cold to go outside for a few days, you get creative and entertain the children with all kinds of things: new magnet board/ dry erase board for the win:
Working out with Daddy is a favorite for Elliot:
My type A personality was scared to let them paint some peg dolls but I'm glad I did. Both kids did great and look at their beautiful masterpieces. I only added the details and eyes and I outlined Bell for my daughter but they did the rest. 
And I finally started painting again too:
Once the temperature rose above freezing, we even went to the park last Sunday. I ran 3 miles while Derrick and the kids fed some peanuts to the squirrels.  
But on Friday, schools and preschools were all closed as well as a lot of companies (mine included) due to the icy rain in the early morning hours, which later turned in to snow. Ice, ice, baby, ice!
This is the third time in the past 10 days that the children had an unexpected day off from school due to the weather but we are taking it in stride. First it was too cold and now the streets are too slippery for the school buses. By 3pm it started snowing and in less than 45 minutes, we were outside enjoying the snow.
After warming up inside, we ventured out again once the layer of snow was a bit thicker.
 The snow is too powdery to build a snowman. So, we made a snowoman:
It snowed some more over night and this morning, we measured a solid 2 inches/ 5 cm of snow.
Snowball fight:
Unfortunately, sledding was not a huge success as the snow was not solid enough but the street was icy so we had a good run there. 
 The only one who really isn't a fan of the snow is our cat, Indy. After all, she is a Florida cat.
Now, we sit by the fire and drink hot coca...perfect snow day!

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