Monday, March 12, 2018

Dress-Up Week

Every year, the first week of March is "Read Across America" Week in our schools. It is also the week, we celebrated the beloved children's book author Dr. Seuss. In honor of his work, the children were asked to dress up each day to celebrate a specific book: Monday - Sleep book (wear pj's); Tuesday - Green Eggs and Ham (wear something green); Wacky Wednesday (wear something wacky); Thursday - The Cat in the Hat (wear a hat) and Friday - Fox in Socks (wear silly/ mismatched socks). Amelia jumped at the opportunity to dress up for school and was quite happy with the choices we came up with:
The school also hosted a Dr. Seuss themed literacy night on Tuesday, which Amelia and I attended.
We had fun playing Bingo, trying on hats at the photo booth, listening to an author read his book to the children, playing Dr. Seuss games and drawing a Cat in the Hat. 
That week, Elliot also had Spring Picture Day at school and all he wanted to wear was his favorite Batman shirt. We agreed he will take it off for the photographer, but if not there will be plenty more years of school pictures. Sometimes it is all about which battle to fight and which to let them win. He looks so adorable and grown up, it is hard to say no some days. 
Unfortunately, by Friday my little boy came down with a high fever and we stayed home. I prayed it would not be the flu/ strep throat disease that is going around and luckily, it was "only" Hand-Foot-and Mouth disease. After 2 days with a high fever and feeling miserable, he finally turned the corner on Sunday and then started a rash. 
Since he brought it home from preschool and was not contagious any longer, on Tuesday he was able to be back at school. You know that he feels better if he dresses up like a Superhero Kitty Cat:
Meanwhile my other child dressed like her personality: wild and fun-loving.
I try to volunteer once a week in Amelia's classroom and while I was there, I noticed her artwork. " If I was a Narwhal"
And then there was the daylight saving time on the weekend. Luckily, the weather turned a bit and we started our week off with a two-hour delay due to the unforecasted snow. I can't believe Spring is almost here and while the trees are blossoming and spring flowers are blooming, winter is still not done yet. This weather here in Tennessee is a bit crazy lately. 
Hopefully, this was the last batch of winter weather and from here on out, Spring will march in. 

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