Thursday, March 1, 2018

Spring Showers

February passed by quickly and I'm finally catching up with a little update on what we have been up to lately. Well, the cold winter weather made way for some warmer, spring like temperatures and lots of rain showers. So instead of being cooped up indoors, we are spending a lot of time outdoors visiting parks or playgrounds or working in the yard. 
Family walks/ runs in the park:
A couple of weekends ago, we played outside most of the day. It was even warm enough for the first Popsicle on the porch:

Not only is it warmer, but the flowers and tree blossoms are in full bloom:
But the rain showers also brought a lot of flooding in the area. This was at our local park during an afternoon run this week:
Indoors, we played a lot of board games this month or read a lot of books. Amelia is learning how to play chess. 
Derrick brings usually the kids to bed at night and almost every night, he reads a book or two to Elliot. Amelia either reads on her own or I read with her. He is all about dinosaurs lately:
And we cuddled on the couch when Daddy was on his business trip:
Last weekend, Amelia was invited to her friend's birthday party. Games, cake, fashion show and a pinata. The girls had lots of fun:
Here comes Amelia: She was interviewed before hand: She is 6 years old, her favorite color is purple, she likes playing "Connect 4" and when she grows up she wants to be a Mom. The last one cracks me up as everyone was ahhhing but she only wants to be a mom so she can be bossy (to her children) - her words :). 
 All the princesses:
 Amelia and the birthday girl:
 Girl power!
Meanwhile, the boys made pizza at home:
We also prayed a lot this month for Elliot's teacher as she was recently diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer and underwent surgery this week. Ms. Williams is such a loving person and not only the children miss her, but the other teachers and parents do to. While the surgery went well, she still has a long way to go until she is healed. We keep praying and sending her cards and at preschool they are wearing these t-shirts in support of her.
And so the second month of the "new" year comes to an end. The hours of daylight are getting longer and the clothes we wear are lighter. We are soaking up all those days where the sun shines brightly and the skies are crystal blue and the air feels warmer while we are getting ready for Easter and Spring break.

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