Sunday, April 22, 2018

Perfect Saturday

Originally, Derrick and I had planned to go out yesterday afternoon (the last time we went on a date was 8 months ago) but unfortunately, no babysitter was available. So we made the best of it and after a filling breakfast, loaded up the kids and headed to the park. The sky was blue, the sun was out and lots of people made use of this beautiful day.
I spent the perfect morning with my favorite people. From climbing, jumping, catching balls and throwing rocks, we covered it all. 
Sitting on the bench with my love, watching the children play:
They are the happiest when they can get dirty:
My future softball player:
Here is a little video collage of our fun outing:
For lunch, we went to a nearby marina to enjoy a cold one and eat some delicious fresh seafood while the children fed the ducks. 
 A boy and his Daddy:
After a nap and some R&R on the couch, I wanted to get my raised vegetable bed started. Even though it was exhausting and my muscle are quite sore today, I was able to finish the whole plot in less than 2 hours. Now all that's left to do is to decide what to plant. My loving husband even let me use some power tools to saw off the wood planks. 
We ended this perfect Saturday with the first backyard BBQ of the year and a dinner outside on the deck. Burgers for the kids and grilled zucchini and steaks for the adults... it was outstanding. 
Today, we are enjoying a PJ day at home since it is raining all day and I'm more than a bit sore in some places. But there is never a dull moment when you have a fashionista in the house. 
Also, on Friday we celebrated an awesome progress report from school and the fact that there are only 22 more days of school left this year with a delicious ice-cream treat and a shopping trip (Daddy's birthday is on Tuesday!). 
Next up this week, a birthday celebration and a First Grade field trip. 

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