Monday, January 7, 2019

Christmas Break Highlights

Today was the first day back to school after over 2 weeks of Christmas break. While it was fun and enjoyable to have the children home, they were also ready to get back in to their regular routine. I was a whole week off from work between the holidays and so we enjoyed a couple of lazy days while on other days we had to run errands and get a bit of house work done. The children surely enjoyed the fact of staying at home and mostly were clothed in only pajamas. 

We did had our friends, Everly and Caroline, over for a play date while their parents had a lengthy doctor appointment. All 4 of them played very well with each other and it was a joy having them.Time flew by that day:  
While the weather was fairly mild on some days, Amelia and Elliot played out front for a quite a bit: 
The first week of January while Amelia was still on break, she came to work with me one day. She does very well with keeping herself occupied (as long as there are snacks for her to eat) and so you almost don't notice her. 
After a 4 week, involuntary, break from exercising due to my bronchitis in December, I'm finally back up and running again (pun intended). So far, I even braved the cold weather and went for my runs outdoors. This is a big thing as I don't usually breathe too well in cooler weather but this time around I'm doing good.
For me to just sit still is a chore, so I relax best when I either read or do something else. In winter, I like to puzzle. I completed a 500 piece puzzle in a few hours but the 1000 piece one is taking me longer due to the fact that my helper needs her 20 hour cat nap :)
There were also lots of cuddles with Linus (Squeakers) and Lucy (Snickers). Both of them settled in very well and are a joy to have around.
Both guinea pigs are very interested in reading books:
Our little boy almost finished his 100 lessons of reading and does very well. The first video clip is him reading the story for the first time and the second one is only a few minutes later during his second reading: 
Amelia Santa:
Amelia and I finished Christmas break with a ...bahhhhhh! We wanted her to try some yoga for her posture and what better way than to have a goat yoga class!?! Goat yoga is exactly what it sounds poses while 6 baby goats run around, jump on your back or want to be cuddle. We really enjoyed it, especially the goat cuddling part.
 Goats are natural climbers:
Tree Pose:
Amelia and the smallest goat got quite cozy:
Boys will be boys:
This was a fun way to try some yoga poses and don't worry: no goats were harmed in the process. They actually seemed to really enjoy being with all the people as these are bottle fed goats.Other than joining yogis, they graze for a living. 
And with that, Christmas break was over. Now it is back to the grind, but we are all ready for it. Hopefully, winter will return to Middle Tennessee soon and we will have the chance for a snow day in the next few weeks. 

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