Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

New Year's Eve was warm but very rainy. So, we just went to the gym in the morning for a last run in 2018 and then spent the rest of the day at home. This entailed a lot of cuddling of the guinea pigs. Lucy and Linus adjusted very well and even the cat doesn't mind them: 
We had planned to spend NYE at home with the kids. So, the children and I made some delicious brownie bites for dessert and served up a buffet style dinner. Of course, there had to be some decorations, kids champagne and poppers too: 
We had an early countdown with King Julien (thanks to Netflix) before heading outside for some sparklers and fountain firework.
Last family picture of 2018:
Overall, 2018 was a great year for us and we are looking forward to what 2019 brings for us. Our focus will be on less travel for work but instead more family getaways. So grateful and blessed to be spending the last day of the year and the rest of my life with these crazy 3 people, especially my husband who always has my back. 
After saying Happy New Year at midnight EST (as I was to tired to stay awake for another hour), we all slept soundly in to the new year. This morning, the temperatures dropped from 67F to mid 40s F with a breeze and we bundled up for our New Year walk around the neighborhood. 
The rest of the day was spent relaxing, watching football, doing some puzzles, playing games and preparing for work tomorrow. 
Even the cat "helped" with my puzzles: 
Hope everyone has a joyful, healthy and prosperous 2019!!! 

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