Friday, December 13, 2019


Dear Elliot,
Today your are turning 6 years old and you are so ready to be older. I'm on the other hand not as you are my last baby. I still love holding you in my arms and stroking your hair and luckily, you still want to be cuddled. You are a momma's boy, full of tender love, sweetness and a pure heart of gold. You always think about others first and you care how they feel and what you can do for them. I love that about you!
You also love sports and any time of the day, you can be seen throwing around a football, hitting some baseballs in the front yard, playing tennis against the garage door, riding your bike down the incline at unsafely speeds or playing basketball with your daddy. I'm dumbfounded at how many pairs of  pants you are able to ruin in just a couple of weeks. You are boy through and through. I love that about you too!
You are our funny man at home or as we call it, the class clown (luckily not so much at school). You love to tell jokes you made up (over and over) or do silly faces. The prove is in the pictures. Everyone who sees you automatically smiles as your face always portraits openness and happiness. My prayers are that you always keep a smile on your face and embrace all people with your warmth and happiness. It truly makes you a special fellow. I love that about you!
This year, you graduated from preschool and finally became a Kindergartner. You were so ready for this step. Again, me not so much. You lost some of your boyish innocence but I also love to see you flourish and soak up this new adventure and come home with a proud smile of accomplishment every day. Your love of going to school, learning, being with your friends and growing is ever present. You are an avid reader, which is awesome except when we are running late for school because you had to finish reading your Who Would Win books (I can't be really mad about that as we all love to read). I know you will go far in life as you are smart and ready to tackle any assignment that comes your way. I love that about you too!
You have grown so much this past year, not only physically but also mentally. Just this morning, you told us about your first wiggly tooth and how you can't wait till it falls out. Another big milestone ready to happen. You are quite tall for your age, a fast runner and have great hand-eye coordination. No wonder you love sports so much...these traits come in very handy. You fit right in with the first and second graders on the football field or the basketball court and no challenge is too big for you. I love that about you!

Happy birthday, my sweet boy. Make a big wish and enjoy!
Love you to the moon and beyond!

Mommy and Daddy

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