Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Out and About

Since the beginning of June, we have started to be more social and interact with others, albeit still obeying to social distancing rules as the infection rates are still going up here in TN as well as nationwide. The first Monday of the month, two of my girlfriends and I rented kayaks and we enjoyed paddling up and down the river for 3.5 hours while chatting away. It was not too hot and just being out and about and with some other women felt amazing. Perfect activity to social distance too! 
Because the weather was so great, a couple of days later, we headed to our secret beach spot at the lake in Nashville. The park was still closed for cars but one could walk in to and when we got to the beach, it was almost empty. Perfect way to spent a morning with the family! 
And because it was so nice and empty, we went back right the next week again. In between, we cooled off in a stream by our friend's house. Amelia was delighted to see the girls and to spent two hours with them, floating in the water, looking for crawfish and turtles and rock.
We have chosen two close friends that we feel comfortable with being in closer contact without wearing our masks. Last week, I spent an evening on Emily's porch and we talked, ate and enjoyed being social while we watched the sun set  and the evening got cooler. 
For Saturday, Bettina and Dominik had invited us to their new house for lunch...a delicious German meal and freshly baked blueberry muffins. While the adults chatted, the children played. 
On Sunday, we went back to church for Outdoor Worship Service. While we wore masks and stayed by our car, others were less conscious of social distancing rules and sat by each other or hugged. Because of the increase in infection rates, we decided to continue watching the livestream for our church instead of going back next week. But we did enjoy feeling the community spirit. The kids even had a sno cone to stay cool. 
Our Nashville Zoo reopened on Monday for members only and I heard only good reviews about the safety and cleanliness precautions they had taken and decided to book an appointment for a zoo visit for the next afternoon. Since the weather was just perfect, barely 80F and mostly overcast, the children, Bettina, Evie and I spent 3 blissful hours there. While some exhibits were closed, we still saw most of the animals being out and about and quite interactive. It was not crowded and one could only walk in one direction thru the zoo. Masks were a requirement for everyone over the age of 4. 
The most exciting part of the zoo visit was riding the zipline though. Despite it being higher than it looks from the bottom, both children went a couple of times and want to go back for more. 
Till next time soon!
While we are still careful and watchful of how this pandemic keeps unfolding, we also enjoy getting out a bit further from our comfort zone on a weekly basis. So stay tuned for more summer adventures. 

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