Monday, August 10, 2020


 Dear Amelia, 

Today you are 9 years old, which means that you are halfway to adulthood. This can't be right though as it seems to me that you were just a wee little one trying to learn to walk, talk and explore your surroundings. But this week you started 4th grade and lately you act more like a teenager than my little girl. 

This last year, and especially the last few months during the pandemic, have been unchartered territory for all of us and despite being cooped up at home and not being able to be with your friends, you still managed to keep your spirits up. The attitude, arguments and grumpiness definitely have increased but this spunk will serve you well one day when you are an adult. 

Even though your facial features are more like your Dad's, your attitude is 110% me, which right now are the cause of constant battles of wills. I expect it to get worse during this second half of your childhood but my hope is that one day you and I will be best friends just like Oma and me. 

In more or less nine years, you will make the transition into adulthood and we have our work cut out to prepare you properly to leave this nest and be successful on your own. The wise parents of yesteryear say this half will be even more difficult than the first. Puberty, hormones, and normal teenage development will render you unrecognizable.

As we enter into this new, a little bit scary, stage of our lives I hope you remember these seven truths:

  1. I will always be there for you. Even if you screw up royally, I will be there to help you figure out a solution. I won’t be able to fix everything life will throw at you but know that you always have my support.
  2. You will always be my little girl. If and when you choose to streak your hair purple, try a new style of clothing, or change in ways I cannot fathom today, I will always remember exactly what you looked like as a sleeping baby who fit just so in my arms.
  3. As the center of your universe changes and you begin to assert your independence, remember you are the center of mine. No matter where you go or what you do I will always worry if you are safe, if you are happy, if you need anything. This is why I will ask countless questions, some of which you will not want to answer. Forgive me, I will ask anyway.
  4. You can talk to me about anything: boys, girls, sex, drugs, there is no topic that affects you that I don’t want to know about. I will have my opinions, I might even have to step in to strongly guide you back on the right path but you will always have my ear when you need it.
  5. I am not perfect and I will make mistakes. As you get older these mistakes will be bigger than the ones I’ve already made. Some of my mistakes will hurt you, just as some of your mistakes will hurt me too. I am sorry.
  6. The bond between us may stretch but it will never break. As the opinions of your peers become more important and the use of “seriously mommy?” increases, know that this time of challenge between us is temporary. I know someday my opinion will matter most to you in the world and that you will be happy to see me again. If you don’t believe me, ask grandma.
  7. I will always love you. There is nothing you can ever do to change how I love you. This is fixed as time itself. I know there will be times when I don’t like the choices you’ve made but never doubt that you are my heart outside of my body.

I love that you are my daughter. A bright ray of sunshine in our home. May this next year of life be your best one yet. 

Happy 9th birthday!!!

Love you to the moon and back, 

Mom and Dad

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