Sunday, August 30, 2015

Goodbye August

I can't believe that the month is almost over and that we are slowly saying goodbye to summer. For the past few days, it was cool enough over night to open up the windows and let some fresh air in. It felt so great and I'm really excited about the upcoming fall season. We have already lots of fun things planned (apple picking, State Fair, Day out with Thomas for Elliot, bonfires, Oma will visit us, multiple fall festivals...) but best of all, we will be able to see the change in season and experience cooler weather.

This past week has been a bit crazy and our days were filled with lots of activities. We had play dates, meetings and appointments to go to and I was hardly home. Tuesday was by far the busiest day: I had a leadership meeting in the mornings (while the kids where being watched in another room), then rushed home to fed the kids and put down for their nap so that I could go to volunteer at the soup kitchen. My husband was so thoughtful and gave me the rest of the afternoon off so that I could relax some (reading at the library was just what I needed) before I met a friend for some Thai food (which was delicious). After dinner we two girls headed to the first consignment sale of this season, where we got some good deals on kids' clothing but also had to wait in line for 1.5 hours to check-out. I call it a successful but long day and I was happy to be home by 10pm.
Amelia has been very interested in helping me in the kitchen lately. She loves baking with me (sometimes we whip up an easy cake before 7am) and mixing batter. This week she made pancakes on her own and I assisted her. I helped her measure out the right amounts and of course helped her with the stove. But she did a great job and the pancakes tasted awesome.
Because Amelia was getting her third vaccination within one week, I thought some shaved ice would make her feel better. And it did. She was proudly eating her first snow cone at a local Ice cream parlor:
Derrick and I were blessed to receive an offer for a free night of babysitting from a dear mommy friend of mine so that we could go out on a date (THANK YOU, Kim and Tessa). So this handsome man and I decided to participate in a ghost walk tour in Davidson (neighboring town) on Friday night while the kids had fun at home.
The 2-hour tour included historic information about the town and the local college as well as some intriguing ghost/ murder stories. There was a full moon that night but it was covered by some thin clouds, which made the old buildings look like we were on a scary movie set.
Even though the speed limit in Davidson is 25 mph, they had some accidents there in the past few years and so they came up with this nifty system to avoid further injuries. Of course I had to try and cross the street safely by waving this handy flag:
The tour ended at the town's cemetery, which is not only inhibited by dead bodies but also by a family of skunks. The cemetery didn't creep me out because I was not alone there and we had a flash light. Plus, it is located right near main street. If I would have been alone, I would have not walked across the cemetery but in a group it was not a big deal. And we did see a skunk too. Overall, the ghost walk tour was interesting and made for an entertaining date night.
We finished the night off by having dessert and wine on our deck and watching the stars. We are very grateful to have been given the opportunity to enjoy a night out in town while our kids were well taken care off.
And then on Saturday night it was Mom's night out. We actually stayed in at someone's house and enjoyed fresh sangria, yummy appetizers and great conversations. It was almost midnight by the time I was in bed. Luckily, my husband let me sleep in till 7:30am today (we are (by we I mean our kids) are early risers). Today we took it easy and just hung out at home until we will go over to friend's house later on this afternoon for a family night. Looking forward to try out new things that involve the whole family and give us the opportunity to make new friends.  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Boating on the Lake

After Derrick spent 3 days last week fixing the boat trailer, we were able to go boating on Friday. We had a late start and didn't leave until noon but the weather was great and the kids were in good spirits. So we packed up some lunches and headed out to the lake. First thing we did on the boat was eating our lunch:
And then we cruised up and down the lake to familiarize ourselves with this large body of water. Plus, Amelia kept pretending to be a pirate and yelled "Faster, Daddy, faster". Elliot in the meanwhile just wanted to take over and drive :)
Lake Norman has lots of coves and people like to anchor their boats in those coves so that they can safely swim and play around in the water. And that's exactly what we did. We found ourselves a pretty little cove and jumped in. Me just floating in our new tube:
This time Amelia really enjoyed being in the water and she even swam by herself from the tube to the boat. Next time, we will try tubing :)
We all took a turn in the warm, clean water except for Elliot who still doesn't feel comfortable when he can't touch the bottom with his feet, even though the life jacket keeps him afloat.  
I'm pretty sure that he will get used to it the more we go out on the boat and by next summer he'll be a pro on the tube and in the water.
It was a great day on the water and hopefully there will be a few more before the end of the summer.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Playing Catch Up

I am a little bit behind in catching up on our weekly happenings as we were busy this month celebrating my daughter's 4th birthday, being out of state and doing other fun things around town. In the beginning of the month, our town (like many others around the nation) and the police department hosted the annual National Night Out. This crime prevention block party was held on Main Street and included games, face-painting, free food, bounce houses, music and lots of interaction with police men and firefighters. Despite the heat (95F at 7pm) that night, it was a fun outing.  
Amelia and I were also invited to a backyard play-date hosted by one of our friends from the MOPS group. Since I have joined this group in April, I have met so many lovely mommies and their children and I am excited to be part of the leadership team for this year. 
On a rainy Sunday evening, we had an indoor concert and afterwards a movie and a picnic. Sometimes it feels great just to do nothing and to sit all together on the floor watching a movie. 
While Elliot napped at home, Amelia and I went to the library last week for some one-on-one time. While I browse the bookshelves for new children books, she enjoys playing on the computer. The highlight of the day was making selfie-puzzles with my silly little girl.  
Even though it is still fairly hot (high 80s), one can feel a difference in the temperature and there is a touch of fall air in the atmosphere. It feels pretty great since Derrick and I didn't had that kind of August weather in a long time. With that come some more rain showers, but they don't seem to linger too long or we don't mind a few drizzles in our rain gear. So the other morning we put on our rain jackets and headed to the playground with a friend. The little bit of rain didn't keep us from having fun. 
Even though my birthday is not for another 2 months, we purchased my birthday gift already and I have been enjoying it. I wanted a bicycle for a few years now ( I always rode my bike when I lived in Germany), but it was never the right time nor place. But now it is and I'm so happy that I am able to go for a bike ride around town. 
Amelia has been asking me to do play-doh for a while now, so last week I finally obliged and let them play with it. Both of my kids love play-doh, I not so much (Elliot still tries to eat it and somehow it always ends up in crumbs and all colors mixed up on the floor). 
As a mother, it is often times easier to say "no" instead of "yes" because yes involves extra work, patience and mostly more clean-up. But kids love making a mess and learning thru touch by doing things. So two days in a row last week, I said yes and let them be creative. First play-doh and then she painted her little heart out and told me all kinds of stories while she painted. Honestly, it is a work in progress with the "yes" thing but I'm intentionally working on it. Usually it doesn't cost anything to say yes more often but the joy it brings to the kids is priceless. (PS: I was so proud of myself for letting her paint and she did great until she stepped on a paper that was drying on the floor and smeared paint all over my white carpet....ugh).
And then there was Amelia's 4-year wellness checkup on Thursday. According to her new doctor, she is in great health (33lbs and 41in) and one smart cookie. I liked that the doctor took her time getting to know Amelia and talking to us. My little girl was very interactive at the doctor office and only shed a couple of tears when she received 2 vaccinations. She is growing up too fast. 
I was invited to a Mommy's night out by the leader, Linda, of the Mom's Mentoring Group I am attending once a month. It was nice to dress up a bit and being together with 18 other lovely ladies. We enjoyed a fabulous steak dinner, prepared and served by Linda's husband and a friend of his. They made us feel special and it was an very uplifting night, just what I needed. 
On of our morning walks, Amelia and I found a little turtle on the side of the road. So we took him home and put him in the backyard and wanted to bring him to the pond after breakfast. Unfortunately, the turtle "ran away" while we had breakfast and we haven't seen her since. The kids were pretty bumped but the little turtle wasn't supposed to stay with us anyway. 
Off to a new week of fun adventures and a fulfilling life... 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

ABC's of Motherhood

Since I became a mother 4 years ago, I have learned a lot of things about parenting and what has worked for us and what didn't work. Having 2 rambunctious toddlers at home can drive me crazy on a daily basis but it also makes my heart happy and overflow with joy when I see them achieve new milestones or when they give me unprompted kisses and hugs. In the end, raising those two is all worth the craziness that comes with being a stay-at-home (SAHM) mom. It is the toughest job I will ever love, for sure. So here are my ABC's of Motherhood.
Amelia - my firstborn who made me a  proud mommy. And it fits just right that she tops the list as my little girl is bright, spirited, loud and opinionated (hardheaded) and I love that about her. There is no doubt that she stands out in a crowd and will go far in her life.

Boys and Girls - My little girl and baby boy are very different from each other. Not just because of their different gender but also because of their personalities. One is the leader, the pushy one and instigator while the other one is the follower and sensitive child. The girl's personality is a mirror image of my personality and the boy is rather laid back/ cool headed like daddy. 

Chaos - I'm a very orderly person but since having children, my world as I knew it has been turned up-side down. Nowadays toys are laying everywhere, loose papers flying around, something is constantly missing or in need of cleaning - pretty much a well- designed chaos is running my household.

Daddy - The protector and provider and the person everyone runs to when he comes thru the door. There are days I can't wait for him to show up so that I can hide out in the bedroom for a few minutes to recoup my sanity. 

Elliot - my momma's boy. He taught me that a mother's heart is never too full to love another child. He is my sensitive one, he loves to be hugged and gives the best baby kisses. He is sweet and a gentle giant. Right now he mostly follows what his sister does but he is learning quickly and I can see him becoming a great man (just like Daddy), who will make significant changes in this world. 

Food - with 2 toddlers and a husband at home, it feels like I'm constantly in the kitchen preparing some kind of food. There is breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner and more than once in between I get asked for more food. Especially in the car, the kids seem to be most hungry and constantly ask for snacks. I try to feed them the most healthy foods as I can, but sometimes Chick fil-A is just as good as a home cooked meal is for them, especially since it comes without whining and crying at the dinner table.

Guilty - Almost daily I have Mommy guilt coming over me. I may feel guilty because I was too harsh or strict on them or didn't snuggle with them long enough after putting them to bed because I was too tired.  There is also a fine line between right and wrong and as a mother it is hard to find exactly that line where the child is happy, I'm happy and they are learning something valuable for the future too. Motherhood can be really hard and frustrating but oh so rewarding.

Hugs - There are lots of hugs given and received every day of the week in our house. I need them as much as my kids need them. The best hugs are those that come unexpected and I just hope that they never grow too old to be hugged or to sit on my lap. 

Infinite Optimism - As a parent you never give up because you can't. There are kids to take care of and a household to run. Based on our optimism, we know that tomorrow is a new day and everything will be great (or at least not as bad as today was). It's like a do-over that arrives every morning when you wake up. And then there is the kids' optimism as they don't know any better yet. Talk to a toddler and you know what I mean. They still believe in Fairy tales and Santa Claus and that all people are good. And I will do my best to keep it that way as those years of infinite optimism in a child are much too short. 

Jealousy - By having more than one child, there is automatically some sibling rivalry and jealousy going on. One always feels left out or thinks she/ he gets less than the other kid, which is often not true. One lesson that I learned and they will too is that equal isn't always fair. Despite the jealousy and the constant fighting over toys, snacks and attention, my two kids are best friends and are glad to have each other. 

Kaleidoscope of Emotions - Motherhood brings so many emotions with it. They range from overjoyed to guilty, angry to compassionate and depressed to fulfilled. The emotional roller coaster starts already when the baby is still in utero and only gets worse when the baby is finally born. And let me tell you, I never felt so many different emotions in one day until I became a mother. Some are very ugly but most of them are great. Motherhood is teaching me every day something new about myself and how to (learn to) control my emotions. 

Love and Laughter - there is an abundance of love in our hearts and laughter in the house. And despite the daily struggles and chaos, none of these become less. Actually, sometimes it is easier just to laugh about mishaps than to cry about them. Life is too short and kids grow up too fast to worry about stupid things.

Mommy - I can proudly say that I'm their one and only, for now. If there is a boo-boo to take care of, they are scared or lonely or when they feel tired or sick, I'm the person they come running to. From their first moment on this earth, I was number one in their little world (Daddy is a close second) and I hope it lasts many more years to come.

Never ending - Since getting pregnant, there was no way back except to dive head first into this thing called motherhood. And once you in it, it will last forever. Even when the kids grow up and I grow old, I will always be their mother and they will always be my babies. It seems like being a mother is never ending as motherhood does not know time, gives no breaks and doesn't offer vacations. As a mother you are constantly on call, if you want to or not. I may wish for peace and quiet sometimes or just a whole night of uninterrupted sleep but when this truly happens I still can't relax as it feels like I'm missing a part of me. For now the days maybe long but the years are short. So I decided that I will catch some sleep when I'm old and gray. 

Outdoor - If the weather permits, we are outdoors. The kids love being outside, going to a park, the pool or just running around in the backyard and for me it is a change of scenery and more serene than being couped up indoors with two energetic kids.

Parenting - definitely not an easy task and once you think you know what you are doing, there is a change in the dynamic (kids grow up/ develop) and you start off from scratch. It seems that every day I learn something new from them and grow in my role as their parent. It never stops, which is good because otherwise being a parent would become boring.

Quietness - is hard to come by in our house unless both kids are asleep. And then, it is almost my time to go to bed too. Not even during the night the house is completely quiet since lately at least one of the two kids is always waking up a couple of times. That's why I love to take morning runs (7am) as this is pretty much the only time of the day where I am alone and I can enjoy running thru the quiet neighborhood or listening uninterrupted to my music.

Reading - we read a lot in our house. More children books than anything else but that is ok because there will be a time in my life where I can read as much as I want. I love that my kids are developing a love for books. Amelia is practicing her reading skills every day by completing a beginner- level book a day. And Elliot can be found sitting on the couch with a book (he has a few favorites) almost any time of the day. As soon as I or my husband sit down, he will crawl in to your lap and demands that you read him his book. And at night before bed, we read a few books together on the couch. Thus, we visit twice a week the library to find new supply for our enjoyment.

Screaming - lots and lots of screaming, whining and crying is going on in the house when you have two young ones. Somehow there is always something that doesn't go their way and so they must whine about it. It drives me crazy. Also, Amelia enjoys making herself noticed with a very high-pitched scream. It is ear-numbing and for sure can give me a headache. Elliot actually picked up on it too and uses this tool once in a while to get his way. Sure, one day when they are in college and the house is all peaceful and quiet I will miss those whining noises but for now, I heard enough.

Thankful - Despite the fact that on some days these two kids drive me crazy, I am blessed and so thankful that I can stay home with them and raise them. I am their teacher, their best friend, idol (at least while they are young), and resource for all their needs and wants. I am also thankful that God chose me to be their mommy. It's the greatest gift of all. 

Unpredictable - I love routines, schedules and to have a plan. But lately (make that 4 years) life has become unpredictable and schedules are there just to be changed in the last minute. I never knew that such a human being can bring so much chaos in to my organized life. Despite trying to plan ahead, we constantly run late and once we arrive, it seems so has the chaos too, Children are unpredictable too- they scream, whine, and laugh out of nowhere and there is always a mishap going on when it is least needed. But at least I know that my life won't be dull anytime soon.  

Versatile - Here at home I'm known as mommy, but I also could be called waiter, cook, driver, accountant, personal shopper, playmate, nurse, storyteller, dishwasher, friend, and  maid. And the list could go on. Before I became a mom my job title was pretty boring (credit analyst) but now my resume would not be long enough to list all the duties a mother (especially a SAHM) performs on a daily basis (and without pay). I definitely learned to be more flexible as my duties move from one task to another quickly and I'm still learning while doing it. There is no formal "mommy training" and I have to adapt as I go since nothing goes as planned anyways.

Worrying - As a mother, I constantly worry. Even before my babies were born, I started to worry. During my first pregnancy I got already very anxious just driving in a car because I was worried something could happen to the baby. Nowadays, I worry mostly if they feel ok, eat enough, hit all the milestones they are supposed to, if they are too hot or cold, or if they could get hurt doing such and such. The worrying never stops. Some of those worries are totally absurd but as every mother would agree, it is just something that comes with being a mommy.

eXhausted - I'm constantly exhausted and tired. Running around after 2 little ones all day long is very draining and I usually fall asleep by 9pm. Before I had kids I worked full-time and completed my MBA degree at night and didn't feel as exhausted as now. It is true, motherhood wears you out/ down. I may not be mentally tired (I try to stay mentally fit but honestly I could use more "brainwork") but physically I am since I'm up on my feet all day, chasing children, carrying around 31+ lbs on my hips and having verbal arguments with my threenager. Thus, I'm totally ok if I can not go running every other day as I feel like that my body is being worked out all day long.

Yelling - Since I became the mother of a toddler/ threenager, the yelling in this house increased drastically. I'm not proud of it and currently I'm working on yelling less but I still catch myself raising my voice at my kids throughout the day. Sometimes it is just so hard as they don't want to or don't care to listen to me in a normal voice.

Zoo - Often I feel like we live in a zoo. Between the noise, the screams, the tantrums on the floor, the chaos and toys everywhere, it really feels like this house is run by a bunch of monkeys. But since we all love animals and since this is our life, I actually don't mind. Some days are crazy, some are bad but most of them are the best I ever had.

"Motherhood is the unyielding power that rises up in you when you realize a little person depends on you."  D. Wescott

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Under the Sea

For yesterday's Fun Friday (organized by our church) we went to SeaLife Aquarium in Concord, which is a 30 minute ride from our house.
This aquarium is located at a mall and because of that, it is not as big as some other aquariums but still very interesting and just the right size for little children's attention span.
The kids were delighted to see Dory and other little sea creatures in the 20 different tanks. Some of them where even hands on, such as the exhibit where we could pet living starfish.
There were lots of stingrays, jellyfish, sharks (small ones), moray, and lots of other small fish. The kids loved exploring the Stingray exhibition with the magnifying glasses.
We even took a Behind-the-scenes tour at the aquarium, where we learned about the filtration system, the feeding process and animal health. We also got the chance to go above the big fish tank and take a look at it.
But the best part was that they currently feature the Octonauts Training Academy, where the kids mastered the specialties of their favorite characters from the TV show Octonauts (my kids love this show) across 6 fun zones, met Kwazii and Captain Barnacles in person and then were rewarded for completing their training with a special Octonauts certificate.
Lately, Elliot is crazy for hugging any kind of mascot he sees and he enjoyed that he was able to hug Kwazii at least 10 times.
Amelia was very excited to see the Octonauts too.
After the aquarium we took a walk around the mall and found this little choo-choo train (my little guy is fascinated by trains, cars and trucks) but due to the outrageous price, we didn't ride in it (there were lots of tears shed). But at least we were able to take a picture with the kids and the train and maybe we will ride it next time we are visiting the mall.
And while we were out and about and had fun, Daddy repaired the boat trailer for the past two days (which was not much fun, I was told). But at least he got it fixed and we are ready to go boating next week again. Yeah!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Birthday Celebration

On Monday, my little girl turned 4 years old. She was so ready to be four but I'm on the other hand not so much.  4 sounds so BIG. It feels like my baby girl disappeared and became a big girl overnight. But since there is nothing I can do to keep her little forever, I might as well embraced the change and celebrated with her.  
Since we came back on Sunday night from our weekend trip, I had some time to decorate the kitchen for my birthday girl a bit. She gets all excited when she sees decorations and balloons and since it only took a few minutes, I made sure that she was surprised when she woke up. For breakfast I made pancakes and she loved being the center of attention (which she is most days anyways). 
Amelia could hardly wait for breakfast to be over so that she could open her gifts. As I mentioned before, we don't believe in overgifting our children so she only received 4 small gifts from us. But those gifts were chosen wisely and she loved every single one of them. 
We gave her an Elsa t-shirt (because you can never have too many of those), a Rapunzel doll, a dress-up doll book and a Snow White dress ( I purchased after Halloween last year for 50% :)). But she also got gifts from dear friends and family. So she was very blessed and happy. 
Since we just got back from our trip and this girl had already a fun party at Chuck E Cheese, we decided to lay low on her actual birthday. Between phone calls and skyping with relatives, the kids enjoyed playing with the new toys. And sharing a big lollipop:
Mommy and the birthday girl: 
And mommy and her baby boy (Since I took many pictures of Amelia that day, Elliot decided to have his turn too and smile big for the camera):
Happy Birthday, Amelia. Make a wish!