Friday, February 13, 2015

Weekly Round Up

It has been a week since we are back from Germany and some of you are wondering what we have been up to. Well, not much. The kids and I have been battling a cold we brought back home as well as getting the kids back to their normal routine in this timezone. The first couple of nights after our return had been rough since the kids were awake at 2am...
Other than that we are delighted to be back home. The kids and I have missed Daddy dearly. As soon as we came home, all they wanted to do was play with him. And of course, Amelia was happy to see our cat as well.
On Thursday morning (the day after we arrived), Amelia had her semi-annual dental cleaning. And it was no fun since both kids were jet lagged and sleep deprived. Also, it didn't help that the last time Amelia was at the dentist, they had to fix a cavity. Lots of tears....but at least her teeth are healthy and shiny.
On the weekend, we participated in our community-wide garage sale and were able to sell a lot of baby toys and stuff we don't need any longer.
Elliot also got his second haircut on the weekend. It is quite short, but since his hair grows so fast, I figured I don't need to cut it for several weeks. I think he looks like Brad Pitt....very handsome and a little cheeky.
Winter in South Florida feels very nice. It has been quite cool here over night and in the mornings a tad breezy, just enough for a light sweater. So the kids and I are constantly outside, either for a long walk or playing in the backyard.
For sure, the kids are happy to be back home and enjoy playing in their own rooms with their own toys. Their two distinct personalities are really shining through lately and it is interesting to see them becoming their own person. They are totally different from each other. Elliot is easy going. He doesn't fight back much, loves to eat, is easy to please, and usually just a happy little fella. On the other hand, Amelia is very dominant, pushy and headstrong. She likes to be in charge and loves to talk back and doesn't take "No" for an answer. Despite their differences, they love playing with each other and every day, they grow closer and enjoy being silly with each other. Here is a picture that shows exactly their distinct personalities:
Today I am packing again as we are hitting the road tomorrow morning. We are driving up to the Carolinas to look for a new place to call home. I have high hopes that we will find something suitable. Once we return, we have 3 weeks left to pack up the house and move out. Busy month ahead but also exciting. 
This year we are skipping over Valentine's Day. Since we are traveling this weekend and haven't been home much. Hence, I have not decorated or done anything for Valentine's Day. I'm not missing it and I won't regret it because all it matters that we are together with the ones we love. 
Happy Valentine's Day  

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