Monday, February 9, 2015

Spontaneous Winter Visit to Germany - Part I

Due to some unforeseen events in the middle of January, we decided that I needed to book a flight to Germany and go visit some dear family members. So within two days I booked our flight,packed and on Sunday, January 18th, me and the kids took a plane to Berlin. Surely, they were excited...

The flight was uneventful and we arrived tired but happy in Berlin the next morning. Since this wasn't a vacation but rather a support- and sick-visit, there were no plans for visiting friends or sightseeing. Most days, I spent visiting my grandma or uncle in the hospital while the kids played at home or went for long walks outside. 

But often enough they came and visited my grandma too. She was so happy to see us and to be able to spent some time with me and the kids. It was so cute seeing Amelia holding my grandma's hand and walking her down the hallway of the hospital. One day she said: "Oma Anna (my Grandma) don't be afraid, I will hold you." 
This may be the last time we saw her but she made sure that the kids will have a lasting memory of their great-grandma. Amelia got a pink unicorn from her and Elliot received a little teddy bear. And I cherish the memories of receiving every month a handwritten letter from her for the past 14 years and this picture of 4 generations of strong women. 
But between all the hospital visits, we made sure the kids are entertained and are having fun. So we went to an indoor playground at Porta, a big home improvement store (awesome, clean and big play area and its for free!) several times. The kids as well as the adults had some fun there.
The kids also spent some quality time with Opa (my father) while I visited my uncle in the hospital and they loved it. Thank you, Opa Dieter, for helping me out and babysitting those two wild ones. They definitely enjoyed all the extra attention, chocolate treats, carousel rides, running around and goofing off with him.
We also enjoyed some very cold weather and long walks around the neighborhood. We bundled up in lots of clothing to stay warm and let's just say that Elliot wasn't very fond of layering up so much. It took way too much time to get us all dressed.

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