Saturday, March 28, 2015

Easter Eggstravaganza

Today I took the kids to St. Bonaventure church for their annual Easter Eggstravaganza. It was a beautiful day for an egg hunt and some Easter fun outdoors.
The kids, especially Amelia were excited about the egg hunt. They had different egg hunts for different age groups so it was nice and calm. Actually, this  Easter egg hunt is the one I enjoyed the most as there were more than enough eggs for all the kids and there was no running or pushing and everyone seemed just happy. Even Elliot enjoyed picking up eggs and putting them in his basket.
Ready for the egg hunt to start.
Of course, the eggs needed to be inspected to see what was hidden inside (some stickers and candy).
They also had a bounce house, face painting and balloon twisting. Amelia decided to have a butterfly painted on her cheek. She looks so cute with it. Elliot on the other hand didn't wanted anyone or anything near his face.
Unfortunately, Elliot wasn't big enough to go on the bouncy slide but it didn't held him back from bouncing on the side of it and watching the kids go down. But his sister was such a big and brave girl and climbed up the big bouncy slide and had fun sliding down. She even went down headfirst.
And of course the Easter bunny was there too. Amelia loved seeing him and didn't want to leave his lap.
And she was oblivious to the screaming of her brother who wanted nothing to do with the white fluffy rabbit. Maybe next year he will be more interested in the bunny.
While we was there, we met Kellen and Sophia and were able to say bye to them before we leave town in a couple of days. The girls were so adorable hugging each other.
It was a great day, perfect weather for an Easter egg hunt, and a great finish to our time here in South Florida. I'm so glad that I was able to go with the kids (while Derrick got the moving truck and started loading our furniture) today as the next week leading up to Easter will be very busy and we won't have much time to do many Easter related activities with the kids. Now, it's time to finish packing our boxes and tomorrow we load everything on to the truck. And Monday morning we will be officially on the move.

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