Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Splish Splash Fun

Not much is going on here for the past few days, except that I'm slowly but surely packing more and more boxes while Derrick is finishing his last days at work. In every corner of the house are boxes stacked up and the kids anxiously watched me put stuffed animals and other toys in boxes and had me promise that I won't give them away. It must be hard for a 3 1/2 year old to grasp the context of moving. When we talk about it, she seems very excited and is looking forward to a new house and her new bedroom but then she assumes that all her friends are coming too and gets confused when we pack up things. Hopefully the transition will go smoothly and the kids will settle in easy into the new environment. I do expect some hiccups along the way but pray that they will only be temporarily.

Amelia build her own bed one morning and got comfortable reading her book.
But since it is impossible to pack the entire day, the kids and I did had some fun this week too. On Wednesday, we went to Amelia's preschool (the German School of  Ft. Lauderdale) to say our goodbyes to her teachers and her school friends. Amelia made a goodbye card, brought some cupcakes in and hugged everyone.
She was excited to see everyone as it has been over 2 months since she had her last day at preschool (we were busy traveling and preparing for our move).
Before leaving she was allowed to play a little while with her friends on the playground. Thank you for the great days Amelia was able to spent at the German School. She loved every minute of it. 
On Thursday, we met my friend Laura and her 18 month old boy Nicholas for an afternoon at the pool. They were vacationing at Bonaventure Vacation Club, which had a cute splash pool for the little ones. Even though the baby pool felt a tad cold as it was not heated, the kids sure didn't mind. 
They had a blast. This was also Elliot's first time splashing in a pool all by himself. 
Mommy had fun too and it felt like a beautiful summer day...only possible in Florida in March. Here, the boys were checking each other out. They are only 4 months apart in age. 
On Saturday, I went out with the other mommies for a Ladies' night while the kids stayed home with Daddy. As a treat, they had pizza for dinner. The pizza must have tasted great as both kids ate a whole big slice.
Since we are moving in 2 weeks, this was my last night out with my girls. We enjoyed a good cocktail, some live music, food and just being out by ourselves. It was definitely needed and lots of fun.
I will miss these ladies. Hopefully I'll be able to find some good friends in Mooreville as well. Because as much fun as it is to play dress-up and other games with the kids, sometimes I need time with my friends too. When you have children (especially small ones) it is easy to put friendships on the back-burner. After having babies, it took me a while to learn that it is important to nurture my friendships and enjoy once in a while a night out with them. It keeps me sane and happy, allows me to finish a meal and a glass of wine without being interrupted by a little one, and makes me cherish my little family even more when I get home after being out for 3 hours. So, here is a CHEERS to all my mommy-friends.  I'm so glad to have met each one of you!

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