Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Little Boy, Big Changes

Elliot is almost 18 months old, so we decided that it will be time to initiate some changes. Over the course of the next few months, we will wean him off his pacifier, start potty training and probably take the front off his crib since he is getting so big (27+lbs). These are a lot of changes for a  little boy.
Especially, since he is and always will be my baby boy. For a while after we moved, he wanted to be rocked to sleep and I loved it as much as he did. You could say I'm trying to hold on to his "babyness" for as long as possible.
Other than that, he is no baby at all. He is running after his sister, climbing on the couch and bed, dancing whenever he hears music, and jumping around like a bunny. He also mastered our stairs very well and walks them up or down like a big boy. 
He also knows exactly what he wants and what he doesn't' want and lets you know by shaking his head and saying "No,No" or "Yeah".   
A few days ago, I pulled the potty out of the garage and Elliot seemed interested in playing with it. For the past two nights we put him on it before bath time and nothing happened, except today he peed in it (and then put his hand in it and tried licking it afterwards-such a boy). I'm one proud mommy even though I know it will be a long journey till he is fully potty trained. Nonetheless, we celebrated his little achievement (Elliot got a gummibear and I'm having some wine).
Little by little we will get there. My goal is that he will be potty trained by his second birthday, more or less. Since he likes imitating his sister I hope he will do the same when it comes to going on the potty. So far my second born is learning and growing up much faster than my first baby did. Sometimes I wish I could stop time and keep him little just a bit longer. Don't get me wrong, I love that he is learning and exploring the world and becoming his own little person but I do miss the days when he was a baby and I could hold and cuddle him all day long. However, this time has passed and I'm happy that Elliot is blossoming and becoming more independent every day. It is hard for a mother to accept this since he will always be my little boy but this little saying keeps things in perspective for me:

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