Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Dear Elliot,

How is it even possible that you are already three years old?! It feels just like yesterday that I sat down on the computer to type my letter to you for your second birthday, and here I am doing it again for your third. And oh how you have grown this past year! You are definitely not a baby anymore (and you will tell that to anyone who calls you one), but a full on boy who runs, jumps, sings, speaks in full sentences, asks questions and is constantly absorbing the world around you. 
You are such an active little boy, always running around, with a sweet and beautiful soul. While you can be as wild as any other three year old boy, you are also so loving, You take me in to your arms, hug me tight and request kisses or snuggles at least once a day.  My heart melts when you say "I lov yu, mommy!" You are a true lover boy and I hope that it will always be that way. 
You are very kind and always concerned about others, especially when they are hurt or sad. I pray that you hold on to your kindness forever as the world surely will try to steal it. A gentle heart is so much more worth than money or fame. 
You are our silly boy who tells funny jokes (no one understands yet) and you love making silly faces, which is the reason why we call you the class clown. Most of the time you are as happy as can be and you want to do everything by yourself. But if something doesn't work out, you quickly cry. You can be very emotional and you don't try to hide it..you just let it show. And there is nothing wrong with that, so please don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.  

You are my constant companion who loves spending time with me and you ask me nearly every hour when daddy will get home from work. You have become our little shadow and make us endlessly laugh with your dancing or funny little sayings ("It's foffy outside"- foggy). You are also very rambunctious and love to pick fights with your sister or wrestle with Daddy on the floor. It seems that running, throwing and kicking balls come very natural to you and I wouldn't be surprised if you become a sports star one day. You love to run around the house playing chase and kick those soccer balls any time and anywhere. I hope that you stay active and try out new things all the time but make sure to give your best at what you do. 
As much as I miss the days that have passed, I am loving the moments now. Every day is a new adventure with you and because of you and your sister, life gets never dull. I am excited to see what lies ahead for you this year while you grow and learn new things. Life as a three year old surely is more fun and adventurous...

Happy 3rd birthday, sweet little boy! We love you so very much and are blessed to be your parents.


Mommy and Daddy

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