Saturday, February 3, 2018

Fun Run and Recovery

For the past two weeks, Amelia's school was hosting its annual fundraiser powered by Boostherthon. Instead of selling items, families gathered pledges to help the school raise funds for technology  upgrades, while the students experienced a world-class character program and participated in a Fun Run. Most students aimed to complete 30-35 laps at the Fun Run event. 

This year's Boostherthon theme was Castle Quest, an English castle theme all about bravery. The children not only raised funds for the school but also learned the six virtues (focus, self-awareness, respect, trustworthiness, creativity and life-learner) of a "true hero" from a cast of colorful characters, as they seek to regain Bravemore Castle by completing six challenging tests. Here is Amelia's video to seek donations: 
Every morning, all the students started off with a rally in the gym and learned about one new virtue.
 Even her teacher, Ms. Romer, got in on the action: 
And the assistant principal too:
Finally, yesterday was the big event: the Fun Run. Amelia and her classmates were ready to run:
The run was separated by grades and the 1st graders were on after noon, which was great as I was able to be there and cheer them on. Lining up and a short pep rally:
Due to space restrictions, the girls completed their laps first and then it was the boys turn. Off they go (they walked the first lap). 
After each lap, a volunteer made a check on their t-shirts to keep track on the laps everyone ran. 
They turned down the lights and the fun began: (it was very hard to take a good picture in the dark with all the kids moving).
 Cheering them on from the side lines:
 A video clip of the event:
The kids ran for 20 minutes and everyone completed at least 35 laps. I'm so proud of my little girl and her friend for their effort and endurance to raise money for their school. 35+ laps for this fast girl:
And then the girls cheered on the boys:
THANK YOU to everyone who supported this cause. These children truly appreciate it. 

Derrick was not able to attend the Fun Run as he was at home recovering from his hernia surgery. On Thursday, he had this procedure done, which lasted 1.5 hour. It was scheduled on Tuesday as the VA hospital had an opening. Not the perfect timing as I'm leaving the country on a business trip today but my man feels up to the challenge to recover and take care of the two children. The surgery went well even though the recovery from the anesthesia took longer than expected. (He surely won't call me a lightweight anymore when it comes to surgeries.) Luckily, my girlfriends came to the rescue and picked up the kids from school, fed them and entertained them till I was able to pick them up at 8pm from their house. No picture from the hospital but here is one from my man recovering at home. His "nurse" is very caring and attentive to his needs and wants :)
By the way, look at this vending machine at the hospital with their "healthy" food options:
Thursday was truly one busy and stressful day but we all made it thru. So thankful for my friends who helped out and the teachers at preschool that watched my baby till almost 6pm. On Friday morning, I felt like Superwoman aka MOM after looking back on the day before. 
Only 6 more hours to go until I depart to France and I haven't packed yet nor prepared breakfast, cleaned the bathrooms or written down all the lists for my family. I'm sure I won't have a problem sleeping in the plane tonight. 

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