Monday, August 6, 2018

Back to School 2018

Today, it is back to school for us here in Tennessee. We now have a 2nd grader and a K-4 (last year in preschool) student in our house. We started the day off with a sweet breakfast and a few goodies:
Both children were really excited to meet their new classmates and hear what school has in store for them this year. Pictures of my 2nd grader:
 My preschooler:
They both look so grown up. Definitely no babies/ toddler any longer. 
 Together, off they went. Next year, they both will be at the same school.
Proud mommy and her little ones:
Amelia is ready to learn:
Her teacher also took a picture of each student at the photo wall and sent it to the parents. So sweet!
Last week, both children got their hair cut in time for back to school:
Last Monday and Friday, respectively, Amelia and Elliot had Open House at each of their schools and met their teachers for this school year. Amelia is in Mrs. Ingham's class. She has been teaching for 33 years and we are looking forward to having her as Amelia's teacher. The classroom looked very inviting too with lots of books, some stuffed animals and two goldfish: 
Elliot visited his preschool on Friday evening and met his teacher, Ms. Chew. He was all excited to show me around his room and asked his teacher what they will be learning this year. 
 He even found his name on the wall:
For Amelia, we sat up a homework corner with her very own desk as she seemed annoyed doing her work in the kitchen, where it was too loud to concentrate. She already completed her first two homework assignment, writing about her favorite classroom jobs. She would like to be the caretaker of the fish, the class photographer or the mail person.  
We also started off with teaching Elliot how to read today. We used successfully the book Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons with Amelia when she was 3.5 years old and now she is an an avid reader. We waited a bit longer with Elliot as he seems more interested in engineering and math but now is showing signs that she is interested and ready. 
I'm including Amelia in this as I want her to teach him. The first lesson I taught mostly and he did very well. Actually, it seemed easy for him. Thus, tomorrow Amelia will start teaching him (there are very detailed instructions for each lesson). She is excited about teaching him, he is willing to learn and I can prepare dinner while they are working on the lesson.  It's a win-win for everyone. 
After a first successful day, we are ending the day with some laughs by watching AFV together.
Even though no one cried today as we sent them off to school, I still prayed over them and wrote a note to each them. My hopes are that they grow and flourish at school, each in their own ways, and to be always kind to others, share, help and always stay true to themselves. These values are so much more important than just learning how to read, write and do math. 

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