Friday, August 10, 2018


Dear Amelia,
Today on your 7th birthday I want you to know from your head to your toes, just how loved you are. Your daddy and I adore every part of you. Over these short 7 years, you blossomed from a tiny infant into a noisy toddler and now you are on the verge of becoming a big kid.  Time does not stay still and while I'm sad to see every stage of your life pass by so quickly, we can't wait to see all of who you will become! 
You are still our free spirited, wild and stubborn child who loves nothing more than to go her own way. It does not matter that you are the youngest (and smallest) in class, your personality makes up for those shortcomings. You live life at full blast making joyful noises wherever you go. 
Amelia, you are our princess... but you are also so much more. You are Fierce. You are Intense. You are Strong. You are Determined. And as much as it can exhaust and exacerbate us, God made you this way for a great reason.  You are confident and know exactly what you want. Sometimes, this can cause a lot of tension at home since not everything can revolve around our little princess. But I do hope that you will always stand up for yourself and never back down from doing the right and kind thing.
You love to read and write and learning comes very easily to you. However, if you are not challenged enough, you only will give the minimum. We are working on that and I'm amazed of how quickly you excel in things you like to do such as singing, puzzles, spelling, word games, and drawing. While you always liked to draw, you have become quite the little artist over this past year. Any free minute you have, you can be found drawing cats, unicorns, people, mermaids and anything else that comes to your mind. You are trying out new techniques and there is no pen you have met that you didn't like. 
You are very inquisitive and have so many questions about the world, about the people and why certain things happen. You are full of questions and long for answers to figure out where you stand in this world. What if I fail? Was it me? What can I do? How many calories is in a snack? I see you looking at me for answers, but I don't always have an answer to give. The answers used to be easy. Now they can't be solved by going thru a multiple choice selection, they are more complex than that. 
You are full of love and you are a devoted animal lover. There is no animal big or small enough that can escape your hugs. You desperately want a guinea pig and if you keep asking, maybe next birthday your dream will come true. Until then, our cat will have to do. 

You are our star and have so many great talents and one day we will cheer you on from the stands or the side lines at your own concert/ fashion show or art exhibition. 
Amelia, you are our joy and bring such life and light to our family. And while you are eager to grow up, don't rush it. Enjoy each day and each year for what it has to offer to you and you will get the most out of life. We are so proud of you who you are and who you are becoming. So keep on singing. Keep on painting. Keep on writing. Keep on smiling. And keep on loving God, yourself and others. 

Happy 7th birthday, princess!


Mommy and Daddy

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