Monday, May 20, 2019

Our Football Star

This Spring season, Elliot signed up to play flag football with a league. Every Tuesday evening, the 8 boys and their 3 coaches had training for 1.5 hours and then a game on the weekend. However, due to the rain this spring, almost all of their games were postponed. Elliot's team was the Packers and the league was sponsored by the NFL.
Our boy loves to throw the football but since he was one of the youngest on the team, his position was more like a flanker/ wide receiver. In those 2+ months they practiced and played games, one could truly see not only his improvements but the team's overall improvements.
While the boys played their little hearts out, the girls entertained themselves on the sidelines. 
Even the Dad's had to help out on the sidelines during the games:
Some encouragement from Coach:
They won some games and they lost some games. Often it was hot or wet and muddy. Sometimes, one of them fell down and bumped his knee or busted a lip but those boys never complained. They gave it their best and even made it to the play-offs. They lost the second play-off game though but truly played like little champs. 
Our little football star and his team: 

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