Monday, August 12, 2019

Birthday Celebration

On Saturday, our girl turned 8 years old. She was so excited to be finally 8, she woke up at 4am. Luckily, she stayed in her room till it was time to go down and unwrap some presents. 
A fairy garden, plenty of Lego Friends, earrings, a necklace, books and Barbies...this girl scored well. 
We had planned to go to the beach or the pool and then out for lunch with family but Amelia rather wanted to stay home. The first week of school is always a dozy and the children were worn out. This was the second year in the row that her uncle Lee and cousin Ryan were in town to celebrate her birthday with us. This year, Aunt Bahar and cousin Devin were also here and Amelia loved every minute of their visit. 
 Hanging with the (much) older cousins is always fun:
We enjoyed a delicious meal and then chocolate birthday cake. Elliot helped bake this cake for his sister. 
The rest of the afternoon was spent building Lego and planting a Fairy Garden. 
 Mommy and her little girl:
The next day, our Austrian friends came over for Kaffee und Kuchen. Three celebrations in three day, what a great way to spent the weekend:
 Playing with the cat:
Thank you for all the birthday wishes and the gifts. Amelia truly enjoyed herself and is  happy to be a year older. 

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