Friday, July 3, 2020

Kentucky Down Under

Yesterday, we took the day off and went on an adventure. We drove an 1 hour up North to Kentucky Down Under Zoo where we rented a golf cart to get around the park. While it was a hot day, it was quite bearable at the zoo due to the tree covers, the breeze on the golf cart and the fact that it wasn't very crowded. Nonetheless, we ensured to stay socially distanced and wear our masks when around people. 
From milking a cow to feeding and petting kangaroos/ wallabies and lorikeets, animal shows, a petting zoo and a humongous Clydesdale walking around the grounds, there was something for everyone. 
The kangaroos and wallabies (the darker ones) were very tame and enjoyed being pet and fed. We even saw a joey nurse and then crawl in to his mother's pouch.
Lorikeet feeding was very interactive and the birds came right to us. Amelia even got baptized by being peed on. 
This is a big horse:
First time seeing Coatimundis. They are native to South/ Central America and love to eat grapes. There smacking sounds were adorable. 
 At the animal show we learned about the Laughing Kookaburra (you can hear his laugh on the video), the Leopard Tortoise as well as this non-venomous snake.
 View over the Kentucky countryside:
The zoo also included a tour thru Mammoth Onyx Cave where we saw stalagmites and stalactites. 

We had a late lunch at the Amish store and stopped by Dinosaur World only a  few miles away from the zoo. Only the walk-thru exhibition was open though but that is what the children wanted to see anyways. 
Because it was so hot, instead of heading home, we drove straight to the Y pool and enjoyed a nice late afternoon swim. 
Staying safe and local and still having was the best summer day so far!

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