Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year, More Fun!

The new year came quickly and I can't believe it is already 8 days old. The past few days flew by and I never really had the chance to sit down and write a blog post. I felt a little off, like getting sick but not really. I guess my body was fighting off something and luckily, today I feel much better- not as tired anymore. As I said in my new year's resolution, I want to focus spending more quality time with my kids this year and so far, I have been good about it. It means less blogging or pictures, but more memories and fun time with my family.
Here is a snapshot of what we have been up to the last week. Last weekend we took a trip to the Hollywood Pier and a walk at the nature preserve, across from the beach.
And afterwards we jumped in to the pool at home. It was too cold for me and Elliot but Amelia and her daddy didn't mind. Elliot got wet by just standing by the pool.
I don't think I ever posted a picture of Elliot's new haircut. Right before the new year, I decided that he needed his hair cut and went right to it. It was my first time using the clippers but I must say it turned out pretty good. He sat fairly still too (Amelia fed him treats while I trimmed his hair).
Before and After
Our little guy is constantly on the go, go, go. He loves pushing his toys around or riding on them. Also he has a love for balloons and running around the house with them like a mad man.
And Amelia is using her imagination a lot and playing with her stuffed animal friends. Yesterday I caught her reading to all of her "lambies" and teaching them to count. She also declared herself "Queen of Arendale" (aka Elsa from the movie Frozen). And Elliot has been used as a mannequin for her styling purposes as well.
Monday morning when I should have been cleaning the house, doing laundry and dishes, Amelia and I made paper snowflakes and messes on the table instead. It was way more fun and memorable than cleaning.
And almost every day this week, we have been at the playground with our friends. It is pretty much the only way to get their energy out before dinner time. Luckily, today it was much colder outside (high of 68F than yesterday's 80F) than the past two weeks and we had to bundle up to play outside.
 My little sidewalk artists at work (our neighbor's kid helped them draw the stick figures). This kept them entertained for good 40 minutes.
We visited the mall this week too and every day, the first kids at the Disney Store are allowed to help open up the store with a special key. Amelia and her friend Noah were happy to help with that big task.
When I look back at all the picture of the past 10 days, I must say we did quite a bit. But actually I am cutting down on all the activities and we are staying home more often or just head out to the local playground. The kids and I are still having fun and it never gets boring with those two kids.

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