Monday, August 10, 2015


Dear Amelia,
Another year has passed and we are celebrating another birthday. It's already your 4th birthday and I wish I could stop time and don't let you grow up so quickly. It seems as if only yesterday you entered the world. I remember holding you for the first time. You, my little girl, were so tiny and fragile. You got hold of my finger and looked at me while I fell deeply in love with you. The memory of that moment will be etched in to my heart forever. 
And today, you are so independent and strong willed and you rarely have time to cuddle with me anymore. This past year you have grown a lot and learned so much. You always loved books but now you read them on your own and you have developed an even deeper love for learning. You are curious and absorb new stuff like a sponge. I read somewhere that a 4-year old child asks nearly 300 questions a day and I believe this is true. Maybe even more. You enjoy life to the fullest and never want to miss a beat. That means you hardly ever nap or rest and only need 10 hours of solid sleep during the night, which can be exhausting for us parents.
You are very opinionated and know what you want or don't want. It is not always easy and we often have a dispute about it (maybe because our personalities are so much alike) and so some days I wish bedtime would arrive sooner than later. Even though not every day can be all peach and cream, we are making new memories daily. You love to be silly and make funny faces or tell us jokes. And you laugh really loud when we tickle you. 
Your tantrums made room to the never ending backtalk and and you are acting more like a teenager lately than a toddler. But over the past few weeks, we have noticed a drastic improvement in your "threenager" behavior and you are becoming more responsible and self-sufficient every day. You are so outgoing and you can't wait till preschool starts off again in a few weeks. You loved your VBS sessions (4 in total) this summer and asked for more when they ended. You are like a social butterfly that loves being out and about and meeting new people and making friends everywhere. 
Amelia, you are a great big sister even though some days it can be tough to share. And you learned already that equal is not always fair.  But you love your little brother and you two are learning to play well with each other and make each other laugh every day. You teach him so many things and Elliot just adores you and loves to imitate anything you show him. You are his world, that's for sure. 
Despite the fact that you are now a little girl and no toddler anymore, you are and always will be my baby girl (even though you tell me otherwise when I call you that). And there are certain things you do that remind me of my little baby girl. Your best friend is still Lammie and you could not go to sleep without your beloved stuffed animal. Especially when you are sad or afraid, you always ask for him as his softness makes you feel safer and better right away. But best of all is when you crawl in to our bed every morning and we all sit there and watch some morning shows on tv before the craziness of the day begins. You cuddle up to me, hug me and tell me that you love me and I wish that moment would never end.  
Happy 4th birthday to the one who made me a mama! Not sure how it's been already 4 years... You make our life better: a little bit crazy, a lot louder and grey hair inducing at times (or in daddy's case hair loosing), but we could not imagine a day in this world without you. 

Love you, 

Mommy and Daddy

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