Saturday, September 26, 2015

Elliot's Day Out With Thomas

My little boy loves trains and cars and everything moving. So I was excited when I heard that Thomas the train was coming to a town near us. And yesterday was the day when Elliot had his day out with Thomas. I told him in the car that we are going to see Thomas and he was so excited and kept saying choo choo. The event was held at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer and next to Thomas and Percy, they also had model trains and other old trains to look at. 
Thomas, our ride, pulling in to the station. Our train conductor looked like Sir Topham Hatt.
Even though the train ride lasted only 20 minutes, Elliot enjoyed every minute of it. He was so proud sitting in his own seat and smiling from ear to ear.

Afterwards we were able to take pictures with Thomas:
Walking around the train museum's yard was interesting. They even had a roundhouse and turn table there. 
We didn't ride on Percy but were able to take some pictures with his favorite green train. While we were waiting to take these pictures, Percy started to tell a story to the kids. The train's eyes and mouth moved and all the kids were in awe.
 Percy and his cool train carts:
There was also a photo op with Sir Topham Hatt but Elliot was too afraid to go near him. I can't blame him, this guy always looks "crossed" on TV.
Watching Thomas drive by:
In the train yard, they had set-up an imagination station where the kids could play with toy trains, ride on them, get their faces painted and temporary tattoos (Elliot choose a Percy tattoo), see a magic show and get close to the model trains. Lots of fun for my train loving boy. 
Elliot also rode an interactive train simulator: 
I, on the other hand, was more intrigued by the big, old engines and caboose:
Despite the cool, rainy weather, it was a great morning with my little boy. He looked so happy, which made me happy. Day out with Thomas was a definite success and a must for any train loving boy...choo choo. 

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