Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Amelia' s turkey hand she made at preschool
We hope you all are enjoying a lovely Thanksgiving day with family and friends. We sure are having a great day so far. I'm counting my blessings and say thanks to the Lord for my family and our health. I realized this year more than ever that being healthy is most important to us and all we need since neither money nor fame could buy that for us. Also, I'm thankful that I was chosen to be the mother of these two (crazy) kids. They often drive me bonkers but I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I love my children to the moon and back. And I'm thankful for this guy, who keeps me sane and loves me more every day despite my many flaws. Love you, too!  

I love traditions and so it is no wonder that we even established some family traditions for this holiday. Every Thanksgiving Day we start off with a small breakfast and then I get some food preparation done so that we all can sit in our pj's and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade on TV. 
While Daddy takes care of the little ones, I cook the meal and prepare the table: 
We usually eat around lunch time so that we can all eat together before the kids go down for a nap. Derrick always carves the meat, we say our prayers and then we dig in. Our Thanksgiving feast this year included honey roasted Brussels Sprouts (they were so delicious even my husband had seconds), turkey breast, cranberry orange relish, corn, mashed potatoes, sweet yams, gravy and stuffing. It was a most delectable meal or as my lovely husband said: "The best one yet!" (He says that every year so either my cooking must get better or he is just charming)
And then we take it easy for the rest of the afternoon: naps, some football, a little walk and more food. 
This is, for sure, one of the best holidays; being with the ones you love and eating as much as you can. Thanks to the Lord! And a happy Thanksgiving to all of you. 
Let our lives be full of  both 
Thanks & Giving!

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