Wednesday, November 4, 2015


On Friday there was no school but there was the annual trick-or-treating event in Downtown Mooresville. All the kids came dressed up in costumes and then went from store to store where most businesses handed out candy during a 2-hour window in the afternoon. When we arrived a little after 3:30pm, I was shocked to see a huge line on both sides of the street and tons of children. My kids were patiently waiting in line (eating some candy probably helped too).
Many of the business owners dressed up to hand out candy and so we saw Elsa, Anna and Olaf (from the movie Frozen) as well as other fun costumes. 
But by far, the highlight was seeing Mickey and Minnie Mouse:

My cute little trick-or-treaters:

Right after the downtown event, there were multiple fall festivals going on at churches nearby, so we went and checked one out. They had 3 different bounce houses, face painting, music, more trick-or-treating, free food and goodies as well as a pumpkin patch where each child could chose their own pumpkin and decorate it. 
It was a wonderful community event and I'm glad, I took the kids out to experience it. The next day was Halloween, but we kept it low key as Amelia and I had a girls' morning out with friends and the kids were pretty exhausted from all the Halloween festivities during the past few days. So around 6:30pm we dressed the kids in their costumes one last time and took them to a few neighbors for trick-or-treating. We saw a lot of kids going from door to door and handed out quite a bit of candies ourselves. 
Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!

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