Friday, August 19, 2016

First Full Week of Kindergarten

Amelia just finished her first full week of kindergarten and I can tell that she is exhausted. Not from it being too difficult, by far not, but the fact that she is at school for 7 hours each day and learning the ins and out of what it means to be a kindergartner and all the school procedures. Her teacher's name is Ms. Wyatt and there are 22 children in her class. 
She is eager to learn and happily walks to school every morning.
Since the class consists of children from all different backgrounds and skill levels, the first week of school was kept pretty easy by learning about colors, a few nursery rhymes and numbers 1-5. Each day the kids spoke about a specific color (and will continue with that next week as well) and enjoyed different activities with that. Every day Amelia brings home a bunch of pictures and completed work assignments and if that keeps on going, we need to build a shed for all the paperwork. Here are some of her masterpieces from this week: 
She loves doing number puzzles and quickly completed this assignment.
In art class, they learned how to draw a robot and a chicken. Pretty good looking, or at least better than mine :)
On Wednesday, little brother and I decided to surprise Amelia and join her for lunch at the cafeteria. Not sure who was more excited to be there. Elliot loved being at school and eating with the big kids and Amelia declared it "the best day ever at school". I guess my kids are still easy to please. 
If it is not too hot or it rains, we walk to school every morning and afternoon. Since we live half a block from the school, it takes less time to walk than sit in car line. The kindergartners are ready for pick up:
While Amelia is busy at school, Elliot and I are adjusting to having fun without her at home. So far, it has been quite the adjustment for this little man as he is very clingy. Spending all summer together with his best friend and now being apart for more than 7 hours each day is kind of rough. But we try and make the best of it. Elliot helps me in the kitchen or "drives" the shopping cart or we blow bubbles in the backyard.
And he is never far from me, playing with his cars or trucks.
We even made it to story time this week at our local library. In the beginning, Elliot was quite shy but warmed up quickly and even participated in the dancing and making music. We will definitely return next week and maybe even make some new friends there.
But we are all happiest when we are back together at home. While Daddy was out of town for business this week, we are delighted to have him back home today.
Now, it's time to relax and rest those tired bodies.

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