Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Spending Time with Dear Friends

Next to spending lots of time with family, I was looking forward to spending quality time with my dear friends. Some, I have not seen in 4 years or I haven't met their precious babies yet, but as it is with good friends, you just pick up where you left off the last time. And truly, it amazes me every time how easy that is with good friends. After being reunited for a few minutes, it feels like we just met a few weeks ago. Of course, over the years friends have come and gone but as I grew older, I figured out who are my real friends because they didn't mind the long distance friendships or the keeping up with my constant moving or the fact that sometimes we haven't communicated in months. They just always stood by my side and listened to me whenever I needed them. There were days when I wished I lived closer because I needed a friend's shoulder to cry on or their hugs, but despite being far apart, their love, laughter and encouragement always were right there when I needed it. Because real friends are like stars. I can't always see them but I know they are always there for me!

I had the chance to spent lots of quality time with my oldest and best friend in the world: Nadine. While some of our get-togethers where rushed and loud and involved 3 rambunctious kids, we also had the opportunity to spent some girl time together. In those times, we did nothing fancy because all we needed was each other (and a delicious ice-cream sundae). 
Our boys are exactly two weeks apart in age and we truly hope they become best buds (given that both their nicknames could be Eli)...just like their mommies. So far, they really enjoyed hanging out with each other. Aren't they adorable!
Elias and Elliot
Tante Nadine and the kiddos:
In Paris, I visited my dear friend Franzi (yes, we share the same first name) and her family. It may has been a short visit but we stayed up talking till late in to the night and enjoyed hanging out all weekend and refilled our friendship tank till the next visit (hopefully sooner than later). 
Another one of my dearest friends is Anita and while she and her family do not live in Berlin anymore, she made the time and effort to come and visit so that we can see each other. It made my day!  Just being together, chatting, and catching up in person felt so great. And meeting her adorable daughter was icing on the cake. 
We also were able to meet up with the other girls (except for Franzi who had to work in Paris) from our church girl's group. We met each other in 2nd grade Sunday school and have been best friends since then. Nowadays. we are all mothers and married and gather whenever we all (or most of us) are in town. Our gatherings have definitely changed from pj parties and game nights to wrestling toddlers and babies while trying to get a bite of breakfast in but we wouldn't have it any other way. It's good to know that your friends are going thru the same stages of life as you are and totally understand when your shirt is stained or you are running late.
Thekla, Anita, Susi and myself (we missed you Franzi)
I also had the chance to hang out twice with my dear friend Anne, who just moved back to Berlin. We haven't seen each in over 4 years and our (read mine) letter writings have subsided but we had no issue picking up where we have left off when we saw each other the last time. When Anne and I meet up, food (picnics in the middle of a bustling city, homemade dishes or trying out new restaurants) usually is involved. Good food, a good friend, and good conversations = happy times. 
Anne finally met my kiddos
Even though we were in Germany for 8 weeks, I was not able to catch up with everyone but hopefully the next time we are there it will happen. I miss hanging out with my dear friends on a daily basis but I feel so blessed to have spent these precious moments with them this summer. Luckily, nowadays multimedia makes it easy to stay in constant contact with dear friends and to be up-to-date on what's going on in there lives. However, virtual hugs are no substitute for seeing a friend face-to-face and to spend quality time with them. I love you all!!!

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