Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My Goals for 2017

The new year has begun and as usual, I made some new resolutions. While some of my goals I made last year were accomplished, others I had to neglect due to our move and such. Overall, 2016 has been such an unexpected year for us that, often times, we didn't know what will happen next month and where we will live or what we will do. Despite all the changes that occurred last year, I did a pretty decent job keeping up with most of my goals. 
  1. I wanted to focus on speaking more German with the kids and since the kids and I spent lots of time alone (hubby doesn't speak German), we did work on that. It also helped that the three of us spent an entire summer in Germany 😊
  2. Another goal of mine was to get back to running 2-3 times a week and after settling in TN, it has become my routine to go to the gym at least 2 or 3 times a week. I also ran my first 5 mile race on Thanksgiving day. 
  3. I wanted to read at least 20 books in 2016 and I actually read 27 books. I really enjoyed taking time to read and to get lost in a great book.
  4. I wanted to focus on spending more time reading the bible or doing devotions each day and while I did get to it some days, there is still plenty of room for improvement (especially, in those hectic days).
  5. My word for 2016 was CONSISTENCY but this past year has been anything else but consistent. From moving, to job changes, to traveling all summer to new routines every other week, it was just not in the cards. 
  6. Another goal of mine was to work on being more consistent as a parent and while this was difficult to do when everything changes constantly, I'm happy to report that overall the aggravation and outbursts at home have become much fewer and we all are working more coherent together. This can be due to the fact that the kids are growing up and getting less needy in terms of doing more things by themselves or  that they better understand what we want from me or the fact that constant changes in routines, the stress moving across several States, solo parenting, etc. made it less of a focus for me to worry about mommy guilt, but rather survive each day as best as we can. I'm truly amazed at how well my children handled this past year and while it was chaotic at best and there was lots of time spent apart, we also grew closer as a family.  One for all and all for one!
This year, I had a tougher time coming up with some personal goals. Not so much because there aren't enough resolutions I can't think of but more so because I want them to be more meaningful. So here are my goals for 2017:

  1. My word for 2017 is TRUST. I want to focus on trusting HIM to lead the way, believing that He will guide me to were I need to go and that HE has always the Best for me in mind. Trusting him about my family, well-being and needs is a big step for me as I have to let go of the total control I like to have and listen  to what HE has planned for us. Also, trust myself and the skills I possess and with that in mind, some opportunity for personal growth will come along that will satisfy me. 
  2. Read at least 26 books. While I surpassed that amount already last year, I keep in mind that life doesn't always work out the way we plan it and if I get to read one book every two weeks, I should have no issues of accomplishing this goal. 
  3. Complete some scrap booking projects I have meant to finish a long time ago (for example: Elliot's baby album). I enjoy scrap-booking and most of the pictures are already printed, so I just need to sit down and finally do it. DO IT!
  4. Participate in simple, daily, bible study sessions and/ or devotions and to make reading in my bible a habit.
  5. This year, I also want to learn and master a new skill or hobby. I'm thinking something along the lines of crafting but it could be something else too. I haven't figured out what yet, but I'm excited about the opportunity. 
  6. Declutter the house and finally read "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. While we are pretty good at letting go of stuff that we don't need or like, I still have to work thru all my crafting supplies and clothing and finally get rid of what is no longer needed. 
  7. Focus on my marital relationship and put more effort in it. This past year has been a blur and with us spending so much time apart, our dating life has taken a toll. So this year, I want to focus on be more intend with each other, make more time for just the two of us and also go out more often. I think it will be good for our relationship as well as ourselves. 
That's it. I try to keep it fairly simple as I don't know what this year will be like and I'd rather focus on a few, attainable, goals than having to many that distract my main focus: my family. These goals are here to help me become a better mom and wife and to take care of myself. They are not intended to make my life more crazy or hectic. What are your goals for 2017?

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