Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday, Elliot!

Dear Elliot,

Today you are 4 years old! You have waited the last few months for this special day and now it has finally arrived. You could not understand why your birthday is so late in the year and you thought it mighty unfair. But today, we celebrate you and you are truly enjoying yourself. 
Despite being sick today, you were so excited to be turning 4. In your mind, 4 is mighty old and makes you automatically a BIG boy. And looking at your Fall preschool pictures, you look like a 1st grader. Even though you are taller than average and quite mature for your age, you are still my baby boy...and you always will be. After nap time, when you are cuddled on my lap, I breathe in deeply and vow that I never forget the smell of your hair, tousled and warm from sleep. The way you hug me tight and crawl in my lap or squeeze yourself so tight next to me on the couch that we look like we are glued together. You are a momma's boy and I pray that this will always stay that way. Surely, I don't take for granted the immense responsibility and privilege to be someones moon and stars...may I continue to be your favorite rock star and best friend for a few more years as I need that unwavering and never-ending love as much as you do. 
Over the past 12 months, you have develop quite a character and are truly one-of-a-kind. You do not mind playing the clown to make people laugh and enjoy to be the center of attention. Your sister has to share the stage now with you and sometimes, she isn't too fond of that. You also don't let yourself get pushed around any longer and while you two often play very well with each other, you also fight a lot. Some days when I hear you talk, you sound exactly like her...the pronunciation, the choice of words and the facial are learning from the best. Despite the sibling rivalries, you are each other's best friends and the first thing you do in the mornings is to check on each other. 
Elliot, you are becoming quite the storyteller and you have the biggest imagination. Your imaginary "grandfather" is part of every story and he can be kind, caring, friendly but also strange and mischievous. Superheroes are also a favorite of yours and your imaginative play involves not only heroes but also bad guys. For example, you love playing Batman against Joker with Daddy.

Even though you can be very silly, you are also compassionate, kind and caring. For you, people and their well-being comes first and it doesn't matter if it is a friend or a total stranger, you are always first to help them. You are also very sensitive and just looking at you when you have done something you weren't supposed can bring you to tears. 

This year you started preschool and you are excelling at it. You are quick to make friends and your teacher always says that "everyone loves Elliot". You love to dance, sing, read bible stories, play and learn. Every day you bring home some kind of artwork of which you are mighty proud of. I love to see you flourish and have fun. And fun we always have when we are all together.  

Happy 4th Birthday, big boy!

Mommy and Daddy

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