Sunday, August 10, 2014


Dear Amelia,

Today, you are turning 3 years old. I can't believe how fast those last 3 years have passed. You were just a tiny infant and now, you are a loving, independent, stubborn little princess.  Almost every day we marvel at how much you have grown and what you can do all by yourself. You make us "coffee" in your play kitchen; you count to 20 and spell your name (kind of). You climb the ladder at the playground and jump in on the deep end of the pool only to swim back to the edge by yourself.  And you talk (a lot!). All day long, you tell us things and what you like and don't like. Lately, your obsession is the weather as you are afraid of thunderstorms, and so you constantly update us on the weather conditions outside. But you also tell us about your friends at school, asked us never-ending questions, sing all kinds of songs by yourself and recite the words of your favorite bedtime stories.

You are fluent in both English and German and you like to draw, dance and dress like a princess. For sure you are a girly girl. You also love playing with your little brother, even though the last few days, he is constantly after your toys and you don't like that too much. You are a very active little girl who loves to run and swim and doesn't wear out easily. You hardly nap anymore but you love sleeping at night in your big-girl bed. Mostly because it fits all of your stuffed animals (sometimes it is hard to see you between all those animals) and mommy and daddy can lay with you in bed when you wake up at night and need extra cuddling.

I know you are still little. You throw tantrums like every toddler does and cry when you don't get what you want.  You carry "Lammie", your stuffed lamb, with you at all times and get upset if you can't find him.

Amelia, you can be a handful, but then the next moment, you are as sweet as can be. You are very polite and always compliment people. I love when you come over to me, kiss me and say: "I love you, Mommy." It melts my heart.

We wish you all the best, little lady and can't wait to celebrate this special day with you.

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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