Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My baby is sick for the 1st time

Eventually, it had to happen. Elliot got sick on Sunday night. I know, kids do get sick and it strengthens their immune system but it breaks my heart to see my little baby boy sick. They are so helpless and vulnerable and I feel helpless too since I don't know what hurts him and how to make it go away. Sure, I can try and make him feel more comfortable and give him some medicine, but only time and patience will make the fever go away.

On top of days of teething discomfort and fitful nights of sleep, she is running a fever, and we aren’t sure why. On Sunday night he woke up with a temperature of 101 F (38.3 C) and since the fever only got worse over daytime and I thought his ear may hurt, I decided to take him to the pediatrician on Monday afternoon. He also woke up from his nap feeling very cold and had bluish/ purple lips, which kind of scared me. Luckily, it is not an ear infection but may be a viral infection. Poor little guy is now fighting a fever of 103F (39.4 C) since 3 days and it just doesn't seem to go away. I hope soon he will feel better and he be his normal self again.

So for now, I am up at night, cooling his little head with a cool wash cloths and nursing him as much as he wants. But usually, he only wants to be held and sleep right in my arm. That's ok. We adjusted our busy schedule and taking it more easy, staying in (to the dismay of his active sister), and cuddle and hope that he feels better soon. You sure know that you are a mommy when you can't sleep well because you are too worried about your little sick baby.

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