Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The countdown has begun

We are making it official and decided to cancel our lease and officially leave this country by Elliot's 1st birthday, which will be December 13th. I'm excited about knowing that it is only a few months (18 weeks to be exact) till our departure. This means, we have less than 3 months (since we will be spending 3 weeks in October in CR to check everything out) to sort our stuff, get the donations ready and pack or sell the rest. But believe me, I'm so ready for this adventure and excited to see what CR brings for us.

Some have asked me what we will be doing in CR for the foreseeable future. Well, nothing...except living a simpler lifestyle and spending plenty of time with our kids, explore all those State Parks and Nature Reserves, go to the Farmer's Market together, swim and just relax and be happy. We decided to live of our savings for a couple of years and not to work there, almost like taking a sabbatical journey. We do have a budget and it won't be a fancy lifestyle we will be living, but that's not what we are wanting anyways. And after two years, we will see what the future holds, maybe some job opportunities in Latin or South America or even Europe. We only know that by the time Amelia goes to high school, we want to be back in the U.S. so that she can go to college here. But that's more than 10 years away, so plenty of time for us to explore the world and other cultures.

In CR, we want to live in the Central Valley Region, which is pretty much the area around the capital San Jose. On our vacation, we plan to check-out multiple smaller towns and villages and then decide which will be our hometown. We do not want to live in a big city, where there are too many tourists lots of traffic or hectic, but rather choose a more laid back lifestyle and be closer to nature. Why the Central Valley Region and not the beaches, you may ask. Because this Region has the perfect weather with average annual temperatures ranging from 72°F and 75°F (and these do not vary much throughout the year). The higher you are in elevation, the cooler it gets. Costa Rica does have a dry season (December to March, with April and November being months of transition) and a rainy season (May through November are characterized by less sun and more rain.  But usually, you get at least four hours of sun in the morning before the afternoon storms develop). But we are used to those seasons as it is the same in South Florida.

We definitely will keep you up-to-date on our adventures and hope that you will enjoy reading about us.

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