Monday, February 15, 2016

I Love You Day

Yesterday, we celebrated "I Love You Day" (aka Valentine's Day) with some little treats for the kids and a love letter for the husband. We are not very fond of this commercialized day that's why we renamed it to "I Love You Day" and only do a minimal thing to express our love for each other. The kids received a little note and some cotton candy, some heart-shaped jelly beans for Derrick and I got some pretty pink roses. Of course, some decorations were necessary to pretty up the house!
The loves of my life!
For some years now, Derrick and I decided not to give each other gifts for Valentine's day or anniversaries. And this year, we even skipped the cards but instead wrote out a list of ways how we can show love to each other. A speaker during our last MOPS meeting suggested that idea and I just ran with it. This card is an easy way to remember what exactly makes your partner happy. 
We didn't go out on a date or ate at a restaurant as we are happiest at home. But we'd rather invited some dear friends over for a simple dinner (chicken corn chowder soup, meat balls and cannoli dip) to enjoy each others company. The Wesley's have moved to Ohio recently and are only back in town for a few days, so we were all delighted to see them. Amelia loved playing with her girl Eva, I loved chatting with my friend, Betsy Jo while the husbands and boys enjoyed hanging out together and we all enjoyed some good laughs.
Our Valentine's Day was maybe a bit unconventional, but perfect in every way. It just reminded me of this saying:
Amelia also celebrated Valentine's Day at preschool this week and was all excited to hand out her handwritten notes and little goody bags (lip gloss and nail polish) to her classmates.  
 Each of the girls handing out their Valentines:
Her class had a little party on Friday where they enjoyed yummy treats, good fellowship and some special little gifts for each other. 
It's amazing how much the little things in life can make one so happy. Especially for some young girls when all it takes is some creativity, decorations and cookies.
To love is nothing...
To be loved is something...
 To love and to be loved in return is everything!

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