Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Update on my little man

It is time to give you all a little update on my little man. He is not so little anymore and I can't call him baby any longer either (he also tells me that he is no baby!). A couple of weeks ago, Elliot had his 2-year check-up and now weighs 34 lbs (15.1kg) and measures 36.5 in (93cm) in length...a big, healthy boy for sure. He gained 5.5lbs over the past 6 months and weighs as much as his sister (she is still a bit taller than him, thanks to a recent growth spurt she had), which leads to a lot of roughhousing and me breaking up fights between them. I should add referee to my job description. But they also play well with each other, especially when Amelia teaches him new things. Lately, he loves watching her play the Ipad and when she is not around, he turns it on himself and plays her learning apps. Monkey see and monkey do!

Just a few days shy of turning 2, my son also started having tantrums and the "terrible twos" are in full force now.  It seems though that during the past month, he had less tantrums and is getting more control over his emotions since he can articulate himself more accurately. Overall, he is very easy going and the tantrums are quite manageable. He is still my love bug and likes to give me hugs and kisses all throughout the day. And yes, every morning (time varies between 4:30am and 6am) he shows up at my side of the bed, I pick him up and he falls back asleep, cradled in my arm and his forehead in my face. Some days, I wish I could get up earlier to get some time for myself, but then I'm not ready to give up my special cuddle time with my little boy so instead I cherish these moments before they are gone. 
His language skills are developing every day and he speaks full sentences and most of them are very comprehensible. His vocabulary is immense and just keeps on growing. This boy is becoming a talker, just like his sister. He also understands everything I say in German to him and lately even uses some German words.  
Elliot is just as active as his sister and loves being out and about. He loves to climb on everything and since he is so strong, he most often accomplishes what he sets out to do. It also helps that he has no fear of big structures, machines or animals. He just wants to do what every other big kid in the park, gym or playground is doing.  A couple of days ago, he didn't nap but instead rearranged his furniture....oh boy!
In October, after he climbed out of crib, we took the front off and put a bed rail up. This way, he can get in and out easily but doesn't fall out when he is asleep. I was a bit skeptical in the beginning and worried that he would not stay in bed to nap but so far, it is working good. Some days, I find him playing in his room but when he is tired he always stays in bed and naps. The only thing is that he shows up once or twice a night at my bed because he wants to sleep with me. But when we carry him back, he always falls back asleep easily.   

Then during a week in November we took away his pacifier and also started potty training. This was not planned but all fell in to place and has actually worked good for us. He cried a couple of times for his pacifier but quickly learned to console himself and to fall asleep without needing one. He still uses his little swaddle blanket as he never took to a stuffed animals. Potty training is also going well. Here and there are still some "accidents" but most days, he successfully is using his potty throughout the day. We are going easy about it as we don't want to pressure him but every day with less diapers and wipes is a good day. 
"Super Elliot"
Overall, my little boy is doing great and just growing like a weed and enjoying life. Ever day is a new adventure and I love to watch him grow up. We are very proud of this little guy and blessed to be his parents. 

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